This catalog consists of scans of cards from the "John William Index of Palaeopalynology" compiled by John Williams between 1971 and 2010 - see also this page.
The cards inclued here are only those for the acritarchs, they are sorted alphabetically for simple browsing. You can also use search boxes at the top & bottom of the page to find specific taxa
There are PDF (higher quality) and jpeg (faster opening) copies of the cards, the content of them is identical
Current identification:
Fombella, M. A. (1978). Acritarcos de la Formacion Oville, edad Cambrico medio-Tremadoc, Provincia de Leon, Espana. Translated Title: Acritarchs from the Oville Formation, Middle Cambrian-Tremadocian of Leon Province, Spain. In, Cramer, F. H., Diez, M. d. C. R. & Gutierrez, M. (eds) I coloquio internacional de palinologia. Translated Title: First international palynological conference. Palinologia, Numero extraordinario . 1: 245-261. gsReferences: