Acritax - Acritax_Camb - Retisphaeridium postae Acritax - Acritax_Camb - Retisphaeridium postae

Retisphaeridium postae

Classification: Acritax_Camb -> Retisphaeridium -> Retisphaeridium postae
Sister taxa: R. dichamerum, R. postae , R. sp.



Citation: Retisphaeridium postae (Jankauskas 1976) Vanguestaine in Brück & Vanguestaine 2004
taxonomic rank: species
JWIP Catalog pages: R. postae *

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within (-Ma, top in "Holocene" stage).
First occurrence (base): within (-Ma, base in "Holocene" stage).

Plot of occurrence data: <% graph_caption %>


Brück, P. M. & Vanguestaine, M. (2004). Acritarchs from the lower Palaeozoic succession on the south County Wexford coast, Ireland; new age constraints for the Cullenstown Formation and the Cahore and Ribband Groups. Geological Journal. 39(2): 199-224. gs

Jankauskas, T. (1976). Revision de l'age des formations "cambro-ordoviciennes" des regions baltiques par l'analyse micropaleontologique (Acritarches, Chitinozoaires). Translated Title: Revision of the age of the Cambro-Ordovician formations of the Baltic regions by micropaleontologic analysis of acritarchs, chitinozoans. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France Compte Rendu Sommaire des Seances de la Societe Geologique de France. 18(2, Supplement 2): 47-49. gs

Acritax - Acritax_Camb - Retisphaeridium postae by: Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 7-10-2024

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