Nannotax3 - ntax_Farinacci - Chrysochromulina adriatica Nannotax3 - ntax_Farinacci - Chrysochromulina adriatica

CATALOG - Chrysochromulina adriatica

Folder trail: ntax_Farinacci -> Haptophytes -> Chrysochromulina -> Chrysochromulina adriatica
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Original descriptions of taxa. For coccolithophores, and many calcispheres, these are pages from the Farinacci & Howe Catalog of Calcareous Nannofossils. In other cases (e.g. non-calcifying haptophytes) the data is directly compiled on this site. The "Catalogue of Calcareous Nannofossils" was originally compiled by Prof A. Farinacci 1969-1989, since 2000 it has been updated and extended by Richard Howe - see The Farinacci and Howe Catalog - an Introduction.
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Current identification/main database link: Chrysochromulina adriatica Leadbeater 1974

Compiled data

Citation: Chrysochromulina adriatica Leadbeater 1974
Taxonomic rank: species
Language: Engl
Described on page(s) : 189-190
Type specimens: Holotype, PI. VI A
Standardised type level: 160_HOLOCENE
Type locality: Found during August 1971 in sea-water samples collected from Kastel Bay near Split and Bay of Kotor, Jugoslavia
Farinacci catalog page (& compiler): n/a
Current citation: Chrysochromulina adriatica Leadbeater 1974

Original Description

Diagnosis. Cell subspherical, 5-8 µm long x 6-9 µm wide; two flagella 8-10 µm long and a hap- tonema 6-10 µm long when extended. Scales of two types, both plate-like. Under-layer of scales 1.8 - 2.5 µm long x 1.2 - 1.5 µm wide with a pattern of curved and sparse ridges radiating from the centre to a thickened margin on the distal surface. Outer layer of scales approximately circular 1.8 - 2.5 µm in diameter; pattern similar to that of the under-layer scales but with a patternless margin on the distal surface. 

Description. The small subspherical cell has two flagella and a slightly shorter hapto- nema (PI. VI A). The scales are of two types. The underlying scales are oval flat plates displaying an arrangement of approximately concentric ridges dominated by radiating ridges equally visible on both surfaces (PI. VIB). The outer layer of circular scales are similar in patterning and construction to the underlying oval plates (PI. VI c). The margin of the distal surface is distinguished by a flap of scale material which, in whole mounts, appears to collapse inwards on to the surface of the scale. Sections are required to deter- mine the precise relationship between the scale and margin.

Cell, 5-8 µm long; Under-layer scales 1.8 - 2.5 µm long x 1.2 - 1.5 µm wide; Outer-layer scales approximately circular 1.8 - 2.5 µm.

Extra details from original publication
The pattern of ridges on the scales is very similar to that of Chrysochromulina acantha Leadbeater & Manton (1971). The lower layer of plate scales are almost identical in both species. The outer scales of C. adriatica do not possess spines as do those of C. acantha, and the haptonema of C. adriatica is considerably shorter than that of C. acantha.

The dimensions of the protoplast have been estimated from cells, similar to that shown in PI. VIA, by measuring the length and width of the scale case. This makes some allowance for shrinkage of the protoplast encountered during the ' drying down' process (see Manton & Leadbeater (1974) for further details of this problem).


Leadbeater, B. S. C. (1974). Ultrastructural observations on nanoplankton collected from the coast of Jugoslavia and the Bay of Algiers. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 54: 179-196. gs


Chrysochromulina adriatica: Catalog entry compiled by Jeremy Young. Viewed: 17-2-2025

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