Nannotax3 - ntax_Farinacci - Chrysochromulina papillata Nannotax3 - ntax_Farinacci - Chrysochromulina papillata

CATALOG - Chrysochromulina papillata

Folder trail: ntax_Farinacci -> Haptophytes -> Chrysochromulina -> Chrysochromulina papillata
Folders this level: << < C. inornamenta, C. kappa, C. lanceolata, C. latilepis, C. laurentiana, C. leadbeateri, C. limonia, C. mactra, C. mantoniae, C. megacylindra, C. microcylindra, C. minor, C. novae-zelandiae, C. orbiculata, C. pachycylindra, C. papillata, C. parkeae, C. parva, C. pelagica, C. planisquama, C. polylepis, C. pontica, C. pringsheimii, C. pseudolanceolata, C. pyramidosa, C. quadrikonta, C. rotalis, C. scutellum, C. simplex, C. strobilus, C. tenuispina> >>

Original descriptions of taxa. For coccolithophores, and many calcispheres, these are pages from the Farinacci & Howe Catalog of Calcareous Nannofossils. In other cases (e.g. non-calcifying haptophytes) the data is directly compiled on this site. The "Catalogue of Calcareous Nannofossils" was originally compiled by Prof A. Farinacci 1969-1989, since 2000 it has been updated and extended by Richard Howe - see The Farinacci and Howe Catalog - an Introduction.
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Current identification:

Compiled data

Citation: Chrysochromulina papillata Gao et al. 1993
Taxonomic rank: species
Language: Engl
Described on page(s) : 110-111
Type specimens: Plate II, A-C; Fig. 2, e-j
Type sample (& lithostrat): Type culture No. 84002 deposited in the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong, China.
Standardised type level: 160_HOLOCENE
Type locality: Type specimen was isolated on Feb. 29, 1984 from surface water ( 1.5°C, 32.686 salinity) at Station2, Jiaozhou Bay
Type repository: Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong, China.
Repository Country: China
Farinacci catalog page (& compiler): n/a

Original Description

Cell elliptical to oblong-elliptical or kregulady elliptical, slightly varies in shape, 10 x 6 - 13 x 7 µm in diatneter. Chromatophores 2, yellowish-brown, at the lateral side of the cell :body. A pyrenoid in each chromatophore. At the end of cell is a big lucosin (in the old-stage of cell, the lucosin almost occupies more than half capacity of the cell). Flagella 2, equal or subequal, 13-14 µm in length, heterodynamics, one extends anteriorly and the other posteriorly when it is in motion. One haptonema, 3-4 µm in length, and terminated bluntly rounded. Sometimes it curves as a 90° hook but does not coil as a circle. Cell is not very active, often attaches to a substratum, and vibrates or turns round along the axis of the cell body and changes the direction in motion. Elliptical scales (about 0.49 x 0.38 - 0.40 x 0.35 µm) of dimorphic sculptures cover the cell surface. The outer layer of scale (proximal surface) has a margin (0.034-0.038 µm in width) and a nodule on the scale center and mdialing ridges arranged in quadrants. There is no nodule on the distal surface. The inner scale is thinner than the outer one, and has a margin (0.057-0.064 µm in width) and weak lines arranged in spindle pattern; its inner side with radiating ridges arranged in quadrants.

Extra details from original publication
So far, the only difference between the genera Prymnesium and Chrysochromulina is that the former has isomorphic scales and the latter polymorphic scales. Based on the dimorphic scales of this new species, it is named Chrysochromulina papillata Gao, Tseng et Guo, even though the cell shape, flagellates, haptonema and the movetments of this new species are somewhat similar to those of the species of Prymnesium.

This new species may be closely related to Chrysochromulina spinifera (Foumier) Pienaar. The differences between these two species are: (1) The outer scale of this new species has a nodule, whereas the C. spinifera has a needle-shaped spine (34 µm in length), (2) The diameter of this new species is two times that of the latter species, (3) The flagellates of this new species are heterodynamic, those of C. spinifera are isodynamic.


Gao, Y., Tseng, C. K. & Guo, Y. (1993). Some new species of nannoplankton in Jiaozhou Bay, Shandong, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 11: 108-114. gs


Chrysochromulina papillata: Catalog entry compiled by Jeremy Young. Viewed: 17-2-2025

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