Original descriptions of taxa. For coccolithophores, and many calcispheres, these are pages from the Farinacci & Howe Catalog of Calcareous Nannofossils. In other cases (e.g. non-calcifying haptophytes) the data is directly compiled on this site. The "Catalogue of Calcareous Nannofossils" was originally compiled by Prof A. Farinacci 1969-1989, since 2000 it has been updated and extended by Richard Howe - see The Farinacci and Howe Catalog - an Introduction.
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Citation: Isochrysis nuda Bendif & Probert, in Bendif et al. 2013Taxonomic rank: speciesDescribed on page(s) : 1774-5Type specimens: Cryopreserved strain RCC1207Standardised type level: 160_HOLOCENEType locality: Atlantic coastal MoroccoType repository: Roscoff Culture CollectionRepository Country: FranceFarinacci catalog page (& compiler): n/a Current citation: Isochrysis nuda Bendif & Probert, in Bendif et al. 2013
Original Description Cells solitary, non-motile, spherical (3.5–6 µm in diameter), without scales. Flagella two, slightly unequal (7.5–9 µm) inserted apically with abbreviated haptonema (100 nm) between; latter with three to four microtubules in the emergent part. Plastid single, parietal, yellow-brown with immersed pyrenoid. Asexual reproduction by division in motile stages. Nucleotide sequences of nuclear SSU and LSU rDNA and cox1 gene are distinctive. Substitutions in nuclear SSU rDNA sequence at positions 216 (C/T), 706 (T/C), 1329 (C/T), 1348 (T/C), 1667 (T/C) and 1668 (C/T) are diagnostic compared to other species members of Isochrysis. Size: Cells 3.5–6 µm in diameter Etymology: nuda to highlight the lack of body scales Extra details from original publication Strain isolated by J. Fresnel in 1978 from Atlantic coastal Morocco
Bendif, E. M., Probert, I, Schroeder, D. C. & de Vargas, C. (2013b). On the description of Tisochrysis lutea gen. nov. sp. nov. and Isochrysis nuda sp. nov. in the Isochrysidales, and the transfer of Dicrateria to the Prymnesiales (Haptophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 25: 1763-1776. gs
Isochrysis nuda: Catalog entry compiled by Jeremy Young. Viewed: 17-2-2025