Original descriptions of taxa. For coccolithophores, and many calcispheres, these are pages from the Farinacci & Howe Catalog of Calcareous Nannofossils. In other cases (e.g. non-calcifying haptophytes) the data is directly compiled on this site. The "Catalogue of Calcareous Nannofossils" was originally compiled by Prof A. Farinacci 1969-1989, since 2000 it has been updated and extended by Richard Howe - see The Farinacci and Howe Catalog - an Introduction.
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Current identification:
Compiled data
Citation: Platychrysis moestrupii Grant et al. 2011Taxonomic rank: speciesType specimens: ISOTYPES: Figs 1–4. CULTURE LODGMENT: ANACC code CS-975, CSIRO, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.Type locality: Stewart’s Bay, Tasmania, Australia (-43.12N; 147.85E).Farinacci catalog page (& compiler): n/a
Original Description Motile cells 50–65 µm x 20–25 µm, oblong to cylindrical, with a distinct rounded protuberance at posterior; two anterior golden brown plastids; two equal to subequal homodynamic flagella; one flexible noncoiling haptonema (8–10 µm) inserted subapically in shallow groove. Nonmotile benthic cells (50–65 µm), flattened, irregularly discoid, often closely associated with adjacent cells; haptonema and coiled flagella present. Scales either possessing upright spines on the scale rim or not; scales elliptical, 500 nm x 300 nm. Size: Motile cells 50–65 µm x 20–25 µm Etymology: This species is named in honour of Prof. Dr. Øjvind Moestrup for his many contributions to the field of phytoplankton taxonomy, systematics, ultrastructure and biology, including the haptophytes.
Grant, B., Waller, R. F. & Wetherbee, R. (2011). Platychrysis moestrupii sp. nov. (Prymnesiophyceae): a new dimorphic, sand-dwelling haptophyte species from southeastern Australia. Phycologia. 50(6): 608-615. gs
Platychrysis moestrupii: Catalog entry compiled by Jeremy Young. Viewed: 17-2-2025