Nannotax3 - ntax_cenozoic - Acanthoica laffittei Nannotax3 - ntax_cenozoic - Acanthoica laffittei

Acanthoica laffittei

Classification: ntax_cenozoic -> Syracosphaerales -> Rhabdosphaeraceae -> Acanthoica -> Acanthoica laffittei
Sister taxa: A. quattrospina, A. acanthifera, A. acanthos, A. biscayensis, A. janchenii, A. maxima, A. sp A ⟩⟨ A. backmanii, A. cohenii, A. laffittei, A. sp.


Citation: Acanthoica laffittei (Jerkovic 1971) Aubry 1999
Taxonomic rank: species
Basionym: Blackites laffittei Jerkovic 1971

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Acanthoica): Body coccoliths with well-developed radial lath cycle, low mound in centre; coccospheres polymorphic, usually some coccoliths with well-developed spines
This taxon: Circular to broadly elliptical; rim broad; two concentric lath cycles; low central protrusion

Farinacci & Howe catalog pages: B. laffittei * , B. balcanicus * , S. beogradiensis *


The concentric lath cycles are best seen on the proximal surface, on the distal surface they are often obscured by irregular laths extending down from the central protrusion. Coccolith shape varies from circular to distinctly elliptical, even on single collapsed coccospheres.

Search data:
LITHS: planolith, elliptical, CA: ca_disjunct, grill, process, CROSS-POLARS: R-prominent,
Lith size: 3->5µm;
Data source notes: lith size from ODs and illustrated specimens (BC width)
The morphological data given here can be used on the advanced search page. See also these notes

Geological Range:
Notes: Described from the Paratethys and possibly endemic to that region
Last occurrence (top): within NN6 zone (11.90-13.53Ma, top in Serravallian stage). Data source: Galovic & Young 2012
First occurrence (base): within NN6 zone (11.90-13.53Ma, base in Serravallian stage). Data source: Galovic & Young 2012

Plot of occurrence data:


Aubry, M. -P. (1999). Handbook of Cenozoic calcareous nannoplankton. Book 5: Heliolithae (Zygoliths and Rhabdoliths). Micropaleontology Press, American Museum of Natural History, New York. 1-368. gs

Galovic, I. & Young, J. R. (2012). Revised taxonomy of some Middle Miocene calcareous nannofossils in the Paratethys. Micropaleontology. 58(4): -. gs

Jerkovic, L. (1971i). Blackites balcanicius nov. sp. des coccolithophorides du Tortonien de Belgrade. Bulletin Scientifique, Yougoslavie. A16(205-206): -. gs

Jerkovic, L. (1971e). Syracosphaera beogradiensis nov. sp. des coccolithophorides du Sarmatien des environs de Pancevo (Yougoslavie). Bulletin Scientifique, Yougoslavie. A16: 207-207. gs


Acanthoica laffittei compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 18-2-2025

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Comments (3)


Hi Jeremy,

I've just found Acanthoica laffitei from Slovakia in Burdigalian (NN4). I hope the image was uploaded. Please let me know if you did not get it, so I could email it to you. Could you please put its FO or base within NN4 Zone. Thank you! :)

the missing part of the last reference is: ...des invirons de Pan_evo (Yougoslavie). Bull. Sci. Yougoslavie, A16(207)
thanks! I have corrected that now