Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Rhabdosphaera): Coccoliths without radial lath cycle; coccospheres dimorphic, only some spine-bearing
This taxon: Rhabdoliths with a very narrow styliform spine and four buttress-like structures at the base of the spine, which appear as a collar in LM.
Farinacci & Howe catalog pages: R. vitreus *
LITHS: planolith, elliptical, CA: ca_disjunct, cross-axial, process, CROSS-POLARS: R-prominent, |
Lith size: 8->12µm; Data source notes: lith length from OD & illustrated specimens |
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within NP23 zone (29.62-32.02Ma, top in Rupelian stage). Data source: [PRB rough estimate]
First occurrence (base): within NP14 zone (46.29-49.11Ma, base in Ypresian stage). Data source: Bown 2005
Plot of occurrence data:
Bown, P. R. & Newsam, C. (2017). Calcareous nannofossils from the Eocene North Atlantic Ocean (IODP Expedition 342 Sites U1403–1411). Journal of Nannoplankton Research. 37(1): 25-60. gs O Bown, P. R. (2005d). Palaeogene calcareous nannofossils from the Kilwa and Lindi areas of coastal Tanzania (Tanzania Drilling Project 2003-4). Journal of Nannoplankton Research. 27(1): 21-95. gs O Bramlette, M. N. & Sullivan, F. R. (1961). Coccolithophorids and related nannoplankton of the Early Tertiary in California. Micropaleontology. 7(2): 129-188. gs Bybell, L. (1975). Middle Eocene calcareous nannofossils at Little Stave Creek, Alabama. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology. 11(4): 177-247. gs O Deflandre, G. & Fert, C. (1954). Observations sur les coccolithophoridés actuels et fossiles en microscopie ordinaire et électronique. Annales de Paléontologie. 40: 115-176. gs Dunkley Jones, T., Bown, P. R. & Pearson, P. (2009). Exceptionally well preserved upper Eocene to lower Oligocene calcareous nannofossils (Prymnesiophycidae) from the Pande Formation (Kilwa Group), Tanzania. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 7(4): 359-411. gs Müller, C. (1979). Calcareous nannofssils from the North Atlantic (Leg 48). Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 48: 589-639. gs Perch-Nielsen, K. (1971c). Elektronenmikroskopische untersuchungen an Coccolithen und verwandten Formen aus dem Eozan von Danemark. Biologiske Skrifter, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. 18(3): 1-76. gs O Shafik, S. (1981). Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Hanktenina (foraminiferid) interval in the Upper Eocene of southern Australia. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics. 6: 108-116. gs Varol, O. (1989b). Eocene calcareous nannofossils from Sile (northwest Turkey). Revista Española de Micropaleontología. 21: 273-320. gs References:
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Rhabdosphaera vitrea compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 18-2-2025
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