Distinguishing features: Parent taxon (Holococcoliths): Coccoliths formed of minute (ca 0.1µm) rhombohedral micro-crystals. Often a life-cycle stage with heterococcolith counterpart(s). This taxon: The four most commonly recorded genera
Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)
Granddaughter taxa
Calculites Holococcoliths with a proximal plate of four blocks; ridged and pitted distal surface; and short, narrow, hollow spines. Entire coccolith bright in xpl in plan view
Lucianorhabdus Holococcoliths with a proximal plate of four blocks and tall, hollow spines, which are often ridged or pitted and may be bulbous or curved.
Orastrum Holococcoliths with narrow rim surrounding a central-area formed of 1-4 blocks. Typically non-cavate with no spine. Rim bright and central plate dark
Owenia Holococcoliths with a narrow rim and a central structure comprising two or four blocks which typically incorporate a distal bridge-shaped structure which may extend into a spine; the blocks may be perforate.
Distinguishing features: Parent taxon (Holococcoliths): Coccoliths formed of minute (ca 0.1µm) rhombohedral micro-crystals. Often a life-cycle stage with heterococcolith counterpart(s). This taxon: The four most commonly recorded genera
Search data:
: holococcolith,
Lith size: 0->0µm;
The morphological data given here can be used on the advanced search page. See also these notes
Geological Range: Last occurrence (top): at top of Maastrichtian Stage (100% up, 66Ma, in Danian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database First occurrence (base): within Late Valanginian Substage (132.60-135.70Ma, base in Valanginian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database
Plot of occurrence data:
Range-bar - range as quoted above, pink interval top occurs in, green interval base occurs in.
Triangles indicate an event for which a precise placement has been suggested
Neptune data: this is a higher taxon page so Neptune data is not plotted. For the customisable plot option go to a genus page Parent: Holococcoliths
Common genera compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 16-10-2024