Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Lithastrinus): Eprolithids with two cycles of five to seven ray-like, curved, wall-cycle elements surrounding a narrow median diaphragm.
This taxon: Lithastrinus with six twisting petaloid wall-elements surrounding a narrow central area.
Farinacci & Howe catalog pages: A. segmentis * , L. grilli *
Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Lithastrinus): Eprolithids with two cycles of five to seven ray-like, curved, wall-cycle elements surrounding a narrow median diaphragm.
This taxon: Lithastrinus with six twisting petaloid wall-elements surrounding a narrow central area.
Most likely ancestor: Lithastrinus septenarius - at confidence level 3 (out of 5). Data source: Corbett & Watkins 2014, Varol 1992.
Likely descendants: Lithastrinus pentabrachius;
plot with descendants
LITHS: nannolith-radiate, star-shaped, CA: closed, CROSS-POLARS: T-prominent, |
Lith size: 5->8µm; Segments: 6->6; Data source notes: illustrated specimens |
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within UC15d subzone (75.85-76.77Ma, top in Campanian stage). Data source: Burnett 1998
First occurrence (base): at base of UC11 zone (0% up, 86Ma, in Coniacian stage). Data source: Burnett 1998 (zonal marker)
Plot of occurrence data:
Bukry, D. (1969). Upper Cretaceous coccoliths from Texas and Europe. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Articles. 51 (Protista 2): 1-79. gs O Burnett, J. A. (1998). Upper Cretaceous. In, Bown, P. R. (ed.) Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy. British Micropalaeontological Society Publication Series . 132-199. gs O Corbett, M. J. & Watkins, D. K. (2014b). Transitional forms in the Eprolithus-Lithastrinus lineage: a taxonomic revision of Turonian through Santonian species. Micropaleontology. 60(2): 175-193. gs Crux, J. A. (1980). A biostratigraphical study of Upper Cretaceous nannofossils from South-east England and North France. PhD thesis, University College London. -. gs Hattner, J. G. & Wise, S. W. (1980). Upper Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of South Carolina. South Carolina Geology. 24: 41-117. gs Lees, J. A. & Bown, P. R. (2005). Upper Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, ODP Leg 198 (Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. 198: 1-60. gs Püttmann, T. & Mutterlose, J. (2019). Calcareous nannofossils from a Late Cretaceous nearshore setting. Journal of Nannoplankton Research. S4: 81-88. gs Püttmann, T., Linnert, C., Dölling, B. & Mutterlose, J. (2018). Deciphering Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Campanian) coastline dynamics in the southwestern Münsterland (northwest Germany) by using calcareous nannofossils: Eustasy vs local tectonics,. Cretaceous Research. 87: 174-184. gs Roth, P. H. & Thierstein, H. R. (1972). Calcareous nannoplankton: Leg 14 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 12: 546-559. gs O Stradner, H. (1962). Über neue und wenig bekannte Nannofossilien aus Kreide und Alttertiär. Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Wien). 2: 363-377. gs Stradner, H., Aubry, M. -P. & Bonnemaison, M. (2010). Calcareous nannofossil type specimens in the collection of the Geological Survey of Austria: A taxonomic and stratigraphic update. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. 150(1-2): 9-84. gs Varol, O. (1992). Taxonomic revision of the Polycyclolithaceae and its contribution to Cretaceous biostratigraphy. Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 27(93-127): -. gs Wilcoxon, J. A. (1972). Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton from the Western North Atlantic Basin. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 11: 427-457. gs O Wise, S. W. (1983). Mesozoic and Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils recovered by DSDP Leg 71 in the Falkland Plateau region, Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 71: 481-550. gs OReferences:
Lithastrinus grillii compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 20-9-2024
Short stable page link: https://mikrotax.org/Nannotax3/index.php?id=10570 Go to Archive.is to create a permanent copy of this page - citation notes |
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