Nannotax3 - ntax_cenozoic - tubeless Nannotax3 - ntax_cenozoic - tubeless


Classification: ntax_cenozoic -> Holococcoliths -> tubeless
Sister taxa: tubeless, convex, bridged, flat-topped, septate, open-tube, fossil holococcoliths, U. extant holococcolith

Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)Granddaughter taxa
dimorphic BCs conical, may have large openings, CFCs higher

Syracosphaera HOL (Anthosphaera type)
fried egg shape, dimorphic (CFCs with large leaf-like process)
Syracosphaera molischii HOL
Syracosphaera lafourcadii HOL
Syracosphaera origami HOL
Syracosphaera periperforata HOL
Syracosphaera rotaconica HOL
Syracosphaera marginiporata HOL
Syracosphaera elevata HOL
Syracosphaera HOL (Anthosphaera type) sp.

fried egg monomorphic
BCs with flat rim and central protrusion, no marginal perforations, CFCs similar to BCs
Acanthoica quattrospina HOL
Holococcolithophora kastriensis
sp. aff. quattrospina HOL

flat dimorphic
BCs disks, may have ridge
CFCs with transverse ridge of bridge
Syracosphaera nana HOL
Syracosphaera strigilis HOL

flat (coccolithaceae HOLs)
Liths are planar disks, variable ultrastructure. Cocospheres monomorphic. The species were formerly in Crystallolithus
Calcidiscus leptoporus subsp. leptoporus HOL
Coccolithus pelagicus subsp. braarudii HOL
Coccolithus pelagicus subsp. pelagicus HOL

flat trapezoidal
liths similar to and associated with Florisphaera
Holococcolithophore sp. cf. F. profunda

Lightly calcified holococcoliths, <1µm across; typically organic scales with weak calcification
Balaniger HOL
Quaternariella HOL


Citation: Holococcoliths without tube - informal grouping proposed by Young et al., 2003
taxonomic rank: informal group of genera

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Holococcoliths): Haploid life-cycle stages, with liths formed of numerous rhombohedral microcrystals
This taxon: Holococcoliths without a tube, flat or cap-shaped

Farinacci & Howe catalog pages: tubeless [no catalog entry yet]

Search data:
Lith size: 0->0µm;
The morphological data given here can be used on the advanced search page. See also these notes

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within Quaternary Period (0.00-2.59Ma, base in Gelasian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of occurrence data:


Young, J. R., Geisen, M., Cros, L., Kleijne, A., Probert, I. & Ostergaard, J. B. (2003). A guide to extant coccolithophore taxonomy. Journal of Nannoplankton Research. S1: 1-132. gs


tubeless compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 10-12-2024

Taxon Search:
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