Nannotax3 - ntax_non_cocco - Palaeozoic nannofossils Nannotax3 - ntax_non_cocco - Palaeozoic nannofossils

Palaeozoic nannofossils

Classification: ntax_non_cocco -> Palaeozoic nannofossils
Sister taxa: Haptophytes, Parmales, Silicoflagellates, Miscellaneous scale-bearing groups, Testate amoebae, Chrysophyte cysts, Dinophytes, Diatoms, Zooplankton groups, Ascidian spicules, Crystals and crud, Palaeozoic nannofossils, hidden


Citation: Paleozoic putative nannofossils)
taxonomic rank: Family
Basionym: Paleozoic putative nannofossils
Synonyms: Archaeorhabdulites Deflandre (1970)
Archaeorhabdulites quadratus Deflandre (1970)
Archaeorhabdulites strangulatus Deflandre (1970)
Coccolithites antiquus Deflandre (1970)
Coccolithites fallax Deflandre (1970)
Coccolithites impletus Deflandre (1970)
Coccolithites pontiferus Deflandre (1970)
Eocricosphaera Deflandre (1970)
Eocricosphaera chennauxi Deflandre (1970)
Eocricosphaera perruchei Deflandre (1970)
Paleococcolithus Gartner & Gentile (1972)
Paleococcolithus missouriensis Gartner & Gentile (1972)
Palmicricothus Deflandre (1970)
Palmicricothus magnus Deflandre (1970)
Taxonomic discussion: Various putative Palaeozoic nannofossils have been described. We do not regard any of them as convincing and certainly not as evidence of ancient calcifying haptophytes. They're listed here for reference. A further 186 species were described by Bei Jing (1999 Proterozoic and Palaeozoic Coccolith Fossils in China, China Ocean Press) these are clearly diagenetic artefacts and have not been catalogued.

Catalog entries: Archaeorhabdulites * , Archaeorhabdulites quadratus * , Archaeorhabdulites strangulatus * , Coccolithites antiquus * , Coccolithites fallax * , Coccolithites impletus * , Coccolithites pontiferus * , Eocricosphaera * , Eocricosphaera chennauxi * , Eocricosphaera perruchei * , Paleococcolithus * , Paleococcolithus missouriensis * , Palmicricothus * , Palmicricothus magnus *

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of (100% up, 0Ma, in "Holocene" stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within (-Ma, base in "Holocene" stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database


Deflandre, G. (1970). Présence de nannofossiles calcaires (coccolithes et incertae sedis) dans le Siluro-dévonien d'Afrique du Nord. Comptes rendus hebdomaire de l'Académie des sciences, Paris. 270: 2916-2921. gs

Gartner, S. & Gentile, R. (1972). Problematic Pennsylvanian coccoliths from Missouri. Micropaleontology. 18(4): 401-404. gs

Pirini Radrizzani, C. (1971). Coccoliths from the Permian deposits of eastern Turkey. In, Farinacci, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Second Planktonic Conference Roma 1970. Edizioni Tecnoscienza, Rome 2: 993-1001. gs O

Shumenko, S. I. (2001). To the study of Early Mesozoic, Palaeozoic, and Precambrian nannofossils. International Journal on Algae. 3: 90-94. gs


Palaeozoic nannofossils compiled by Jeremy R. Young viewed: 12-1-2025

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