Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma) | Granddaughter taxa | |||
Cassigerinelloita | ||||
Globoconusa Test tiny, low to high trochospire of 2-2½ whorls; each whorl with 3-4 inflated, subglobular chambers. Aperture umbilical, a very small, low arch. Sometimes small supplementary apertures on spiral side. | ||||
Guembelitria Test small and triserial. Aperture bordered by a distinct lip and often slightly asymmetric. Wall structure microperforate; surface texture of well-preserved specimens characterized by presence of pore-mounds. | ||||
Jenkinsina Lke Guembelitria, but without pore mounds. | ||||
Parvularugoglobigerina Small, moderate to low trochospire of 2½ whorls of (sub)globular chambers. Chambers gradually increase in size; 3½-7 chambers per whorl, separated by radial and depressed sutures on both spiral and umbilical sides. Umbilicus closed. Aperture umbilical to extraumbilical, comma-shaped arch to long narrow opening in nearly equatorial position; bordered by a slight lip. Microperforate. | Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina Parvularugoglobigerina extensa Parvularugoglobigerina alabamensis Parvularugoglobigerina sp. | |||
Woodringina Tests contain an initial whorl of 3 chambers, later whorls of 2 chambers each. Test wall microperforate, marked by a guembelitriid surface texture (smooth walled or bearing perforate pustules). Aperture usually asymmetrically positioned and thin apertural lip infolded on one side. |
Montanaro Gallitelli (1957) emended the Family Heterohelicidae, and created the Subfamily Guembelitriinae, which was comprised of the two triserial genera Guembelitria and Guembelitriella. The Genus Woodringina, which is restricted to the lower Paleocene, is characterized by triserial coiling in the early chambers and biserial in later chambers; Loeblich and Tappan (1956) placed it in the Guembelitriinae. El-Naggar (1971) raised the Guembelitriidae to family status. Haynes (1981) distinguished Jenkinsina from Guembelitria based on the absence of pore mounds, which was supported and documented by SEM images of both genera by Jenkins and others (1998). d’Hondt and others (in Olsson and others, 1999) included in the Family Guembelitriidae four early Paleocene genera, including Guembelitria, Globoconusa, Parvularugoglobigerina and Woodringina, on the basis of their phylogenetic relationship, wall texture and morphological characteristics. Huber and others (2006) included in the Family Guembelitriidae the Eocene genera Jenkinsina and Cassigerinelloita. In this work we also include Jenkinsina within the Guembelitriidae due to the triserial chamber arrangement and the smooth to weakly pustulose wall texture. Rare specimens of Jenkinsina columbiana with perforated pustules on the test surface suggest a phylogenetic link between Guembelitria and Jenkinsina. This is confirmed in this work by new findings of numerous specimens of Jenkinsina columbiana in the upper lower Paleocene (planktonic foraminiferal Zones P2 and P3a) in the Palmyride region of Syria. [Premec Fucek et al. 2018]
In the Early Danian Arenillas and coworkers (e.g. Arenillas et al. 2018, Arenillas & Arz 2017) have proposed a significantly revised taxonomy, this is not reflected here yet. [editor's comment - JRY 2018]
Catalog entries: Guembelitriinae
Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Guembelitrioidea): Biserial, enrolled biserial and triserial taxa. Wall microperforate.
This taxon: Tests triserial, trochospiral, or nearly triserial in initial whorl becoming biserial. Chambers usually globular or subglobular, increasing gradually in size. Aperture usually a loop-shaped arch, often slightly infolded on one side, marked by a fine lip.
Phylogenetic relations
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of M1 zone (100% up, 21.1Ma, in Aquitanian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within G. elevata zone (79.33-83.65Ma, base in Campanian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database
Plot of occurrence data:
Primary source for this page: Olsson et al. 1999 - Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera, p.77
Arenillas, I. & Arz, J. A. (2017). Benthic origin and earliest evolution of the first planktonic foraminifera after the Cretaceous/Palaeogene boundary mass extinction. Historical Biology. 29: 25-42. gs Arenillas, I., Arz, J. A. & Gilabert, V. (2018). Blooms of aberrant planktic foraminifera across the K/Pg boundary in the Western Tethys: causes and evolutionary implications. Paleobiology. 44(3): 460-489. gs Blow, W. H. (1979). The Cainozoic Globigerinida: A study of the morphology, taxonomy, evolutionary relationships and stratigraphical distribution of some Globigerinida (mainly Globigerinacea). E. J. Brill, Leiden. 2: 1-1413. gs El-Naggar, Z. R. (1971a). On the classification, evolution and stratigraphical distribution of the Globigerinacea. In, Farinacci, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Second Planktonic Conference, Roma 1970. Edizioni Tecnoscienza, Rome (1): 421-476. gs Haynes, J. R. (1981). Foraminifera. John Wiley and Sons, New York. -. gs Jenkins, D. G., Whittaker, J. E. & Curry, D. (1998). Palaeogene triserial planktonic foraminifera. Journal of Micropalaeontology. 17: 61-70. gs Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1956). Chiloguembelina, a new Tertiary genus of the Heterohelicidae (Foraminifera). Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 46: 340-. gs Olsson, R. K., Hemleben, C., Berggren, W. A. & Huber, B. T. (1999). Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. (85): 1-252. gs Premec Fucek, V., Hernitz Kucenjak, M. & Huber, B. T. (2018). Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and phylogeny of Oligocene Chiloguembelina and Jenkinsina. In, Wade, B. S., Olsson, R. K., Pearson, P. N., Huber, B. T. & Berggren, W. A. (eds) Atlas of Oligocene Planktonic Foraminifera. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication . 46(Chap 17): 459-480. gs References:
Guembelitriidae compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 10-12-2024
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