pforams@mikrotax - Leupoldina pforams@mikrotax - Leupoldina


Classification: pf_mesozoic -> Schackoinidae -> Leupoldina
Sister taxa: Leupoldina, Schackoina
Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)
Leupoldina cabri

Leupoldina hexacamerata

Leupoldina pustulans

Leupoldina quinquecamerata

Leupoldina reicheli

Leupoldina sp.
Specimens which cannot be assigned to established species


Citation: Leupoldina Bolli 1957
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Leupoldina protuberans Bolli, 1957
Taxonomic discussion: The genus and its constuent species is discused at length by Verga & Premoli Silva 2002

Original description: Test free, early stage possibly slightly trochospiral, later planispiral, stellate, biumbilicate; early chambers globular to subglobular, chambers of last whorl elongate; some or all chambers of the last whorl with two or occasionally more long, tapering spines or bulb-shaped extensions symmetrically arranged on each side of the equatorial plane. Sutures depressed, radial; wall calcareous, perforate; surface smooth, pitted or hispid; aperture an interiomarginal, equatorial arch in the early stage, ultimate chamber with two interiomarginal, umbilical apertures, one on each side of the chamber. There are indications that in some specimens relict apertures may exist in the penultimate and possibly in earlier chambers of the last whorl.

Entries in the Catalog of original descriptions: Leupoldina

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Schackoinidae): Test trochospiral to nearly planispiral, chambers with one or more hollow tubulospines; aperture equatorial and may have broad lip.
This taxon: Test irregular in form, in a low trochospiral coil, early chambers small and subglobular, then rapidly enlarging, becoming radially elongate and tapering distally, chambers of the final whorl clavate, the final one or two chambers commonly with two bulbous projections, one on each side of the median plane, sutures distinct, depressed; wall calcareous, perforate, surface smooth, pitted or hispid; aperture interiomarginal and equatorial, with a narrow bordering lip, final chamber may have an aperture at each side of the median plane.

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of G. algerianus zone (100% up, 116.9Ma, in Aptian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within L. cabri zone (119.05-120.55Ma, base in Aptian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of range and occurrence data:


Loeblich, A. R. & Tappan, H. (1988). Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification (Volume I-II). Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. 1-1059. gs

Verga, D. & Premoli Silva, I. (2002). Early Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from the Tethys: the genus Leupoldina. Cretaceous Research. 23: 189-212. gs


Leupoldina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-9-2024

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