Nannotax3 - ntax_cenozoic - B. morionum groupSELECT ntax_cenozoic.taxon,tags.tagset,tags.tag,,short_cap,sort_order FROM ntax_cenozoic JOIN ntax_cenozoic_taglinks ON ntax_cenozoic_taglinks.taxon=ntax_cenozoic.taxon JOIN ntax_tags as tags on JOIN ntax_tagsets as tagsets ON tags.tagset=tagsets.tagset where ntax_cenozoic.taxon like :taxon and tagcol is not null Nannotax3 - ntax_cenozoic - B. morionum group

B. morionum group

Classification: ntax_cenozoic -> Syracosphaerales -> Rhabdosphaeraceae -> Blackites -> B. morionum group
Sister taxa: B. morionum group, B. clavus group, B. inflatus group, B. spinosus group, B. amplus group, B. sp.

Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)Granddaughter taxa
Blackites atanii
Spine relatively low, hollow sacculiformt; broadens rapidly from narrow base, then tapers to form low, pointed dome.
Typically the spine height and width are similar and the spine is similar in width or slightly wider than the base.

Blackites deflandrei
Spine relatively low, wide, hollow sacculiform; constructed from at least two distinct structural units when viewed in XPL; there may be a small, terminal papilla.
Typically the height and width are similar but the height can be greater. The spine is always slightly narrower than the base.
Blackites deflandrei 1
Blackites deflandrei 2

Blackites hayi
Spine very low, base circular

Blackites mericii
Small rhabdoliths with relatively low, hollow, sacculiform spines. Spine broadens from base and is capped by curving upper surface that appears to be constructed from two parts (XPL); spine usually slightly wider than coccolith. Coccolith rim appears to be narrow, and only one cycle has been observed

Blackites morionum
Spine relatively short, wide, hollow sacculiform; may have a small terminal papilla.
The base is relatively broad, and typically the spine height and basal width are similar.
The spine broadens slightly before tapering to a point and is always slightly narrower than the base.

Blackites shafikii
Small, varimorphic, sub-circular to elliptical rhabdoliths with a low domed process, formed of a continuous whorl of one lamellar cycle, and a distinct collar formed from an outwardly directed lamellar cycle.

Blackites australiensis

Blackites elongatus

Blackites perfectus

Blackites prolatus

Blackites rothii


Citation: Blackites morionum group
Taxonomic rank: species group
Taxonomic discussion: informal grouping used here to sort species within this large genus. The genera Amitha, Cruxia, Cepekiella, Discoturbella, Notiocyrtolithus and Ommatolithus have been proposed for species falling in this group (see Blackites page).

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Blackites): Coccoliths process-bearing with complex base including outer rim, radial lath and lamellar cycles
This taxon: Spine low, globular, height<2x width

Farinacci & Howe catalog pages:


These species typically show rather complex tiering of the spine with :
B. deflandrei, B. shafikii, C. mericii, A. perfecta, A. prolata, and N. rothii all clearly show this structure
B. morionum (lower tier non-imbricate) and O. australiensis (no central tier) are arguable variants.
B. atanii, D. moori & C. elongata are not well-enough characterised to tell.

It is not clear whether this structure is genuinely different from that of other Blackites species but the multiplicity of genera that have been described for them is clearly excessive. [JRY 2017]

Mostly small, 2-5 µm, spines can get up to about 8 µm high.

Search data:
Lith size: 2->8µm;
The morphological data given here can be used on the advanced search page. See also these notes

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of Oligocene Epoch (100% up, 23Ma, in Aquitanian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within NP9 zone (55.86-57.21Ma, base in Thanetian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of occurrence data:


Shafik, S. (1989). Some new calcareous nannofossils from Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene sediments in the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia. Alcheringa. 13: 69-83. gs


B. morionum group compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 13-2-2025

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