Nannotax3 - ntax_non_cocco - Tangential wall Nannotax3 - ntax_non_cocco - Tangential wall

Tangential wall

Classification: ntax_non_cocco -> Dinophytes -> Thoracosphaeraceae -> Tangential wall
Sister taxa: Tangential wall, Radial wall, Oblique wall, Possible Thoracosphaeraceae, Pithonellid, Calcispheres inc sedis, unidentified calcispheres

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Thoracosphaeraceae): Calcareous dinoflagellates
This taxon: Wall formed of crystals with tangential c-axes (Thoracosphara s.l.)

Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)Granddaughter taxa

Calcigonellum ansatum
Calcigonellum granulatum
Calcigonellum infula
Calcigonellum minutum

Cysts with combination archaeopyle - formed from multiple plates and so with indented angular margin.
Calciodinellum albatrosianum
Calciodinellum levantinum
Calciodinellum clamosum
Calciodinellum elongatum
Calciodinellum kerguelense
Calciodinellum limbatum
Calciodinellum operosum
Calciodinellum sp.


Centosphaera barbata

Spherical, with circular archaeopyle, no paratabulation. Wall structure irregular with tangential c-axes.
Cervisiella operculata
Cervisiella saxea
Cervisiella sp.

Wall structure with radial fabric but tangential c-axes ("pseudoorthopithonellid")
Fuettererella belliata
Fuettererella conforma
Fuettererella deflandrei
Fuettererella elliptica
Fuettererella flora
Fuettererella fungiforma
Fuettererella sp.
Fuettererella tesserula

Cysts with tangential wall-structure and epicystal archaeopyles
Lebessphaera sp.
Lebessphaera urania

Like Cervisiella but with paratabulation
Operculodinella costata
Operculodinella hydria
Operculodinella reticulata

Cysts with tangential wall structure and compound archaeopyles. Wall formed of largish non-intelocking elements each with a spine


Thoracosphaera wombatensis
Thoracosphaera heimii
Thoracosphaera eichstaettensis
Thoracosphaera prolata
Thoracosphaera sp.


Taxonomic discussion: Generic classification within this group is now primarily based on the archaeopyle type - i.e. the number of plates interpreted to have formed the archaeopyle, largely following Streng et al. (2004). Nannofosil workers havetraditionally inlcuded most of these in Thoracosphaera

Catalog entries: Tangential wall [no catalog entry yet]

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Thoracosphaeraceae): Calcareous dinoflagellates
This taxon: Wall formed of crystals with tangential c-axes (Thoracosphara s.l.)

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within Late Triassic Epoch (201.36-237.00Ma, base in Carnian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database



Tangential wall compiled by Jeremy R. Young viewed: 20-9-2024

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