Nannotax3 - ntax_mesozoic - Gartnerago Nannotax3 - ntax_mesozoic - Gartnerago


Classification: ntax_mesozoic -> Arkhangelskiales -> Kamptneriaceae -> Gartnerago
Sister taxa: Crucicribrum, Gartnerago, Kamptnerius, Senilatus

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Kamptneriaceae): Arkhangelskielids with shields predominantly formed of V-units, thus dark in cross-polarised light; R-units form bright band at core of shield.
This taxon: Tiered coccoliths with distinctive LM images consisting of a narrow to moderately-broad rim with a narrow, dark outer-cycle; a diagnostic, bright median-cycle; and a dark, inner-cycle. Central-area structures variable but generally dark in LM.

Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)Granddaughter taxa
Species with plate in central area
Gartnerago obliquum
Gartnerago with a narrow rim and a broad central area, filled with a plate pierced by numerous pores (~>10 in each quadrant); the plate is crossed by sutures, the transverse of which is slightly oblique.

Gartnerago segmentatum
Similar to G. obliquum but rim broader, central area smaller.

Gartnerago costatum
Similar to G. obliquum but pores larger and with cross-bars within them
Gartnerago costatum subsp. costatum
Gartnerago costatum subsp. porolatum

Gartnerago diversum
Gartnerago with protruding axial bars; perforations small, with a double row of perforations on each side of the cross-bars, with others randomly distributed

Species with narrow rim and solid plate
Gartnerago stenostaurion
Small to large coccoliths characterized under LM XPL by a conspicuous, narrow, bright rim cycle and wide central area spanned by a plate. The plate is usually crossed by four radial extinction lines (two in the major axes of the coccolith ellipse and two diagonally orientated) and narrow, bright, bar-like structures, which are longitudinal and near transverse (rotated by ~10°), and birefringent when the coccolith is at 45° to the polarizing directions.

Gartnerago clarusora
Central plate of 4 units with axial sutures, no axial cross; small (4-6 µm)

Gartnerago waszczakii
Central plate of 6 units; large (8-11 µm)

Species with cross in centre
Gartnerago chiasta
Gartnerago with diagonal cross bars.

Gartnerago margaritatus

Gartnerago praeobliquum
Gartnerago with wide central area spanned by broad axial cross bars that have arrowhead-shaped ends and median suture lines.

Species with transverse bar
Gartnerago coxalliae
Central area, wide, open and spanned by a complex transverse bar, which bifurcates where it joins the rim.

Gartnerago nanum
Medium-sized Gartnerago with a loxolith-type rim and a narrow, perforate central area plate, which has differentiated axial bars, although the longitudinal bar may be subordinate or poorly defined.

Gartnerago ponticula
Small- to medium-sized (usually <7.0 µm) Gartnerago species with an open central area spanned by a transverse, conjunct bar.

Gartnerago theta
Gartnerago with a wide central area spanned by a narrow transverse bar which delimits two, large D-shaped openings; a finely perforate proximal net is seen in good preservation (Black, 1975, Pl. 34, figs 6-8).

Gartnerago sp.
Specimens not identified to species level


Citation: Gartnerago Bukry, 1969
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Arkhangelskiella concava Gartner, 1968; this is almost certainly a junior synonym of Gartnerago segmentatum (Stover, 1966), which therefore, by priority, becomes the type species.
Synonyms: Cribricatillus Black, 1973; Laffittius Noël, 1969

Farinacci & Howe catalog pages: Gartnerago * , Cribricatillus * , Laffittius *

Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Kamptneriaceae): Arkhangelskielids with shields predominantly formed of V-units, thus dark in cross-polarised light; R-units form bright band at core of shield.
This taxon: Tiered coccoliths with distinctive LM images consisting of a narrow to moderately-broad rim with a narrow, dark outer-cycle; a diagnostic, bright median-cycle; and a dark, inner-cycle. Central-area structures variable but generally dark in LM.


Central-area structures include transverse bars, axial or diagonal cross bars (proximally-situated fine nets may be seen when preservation is good), or plates that are usually perforate, with axial or near axial sutures.

Search data:
LITHS: placolith, elliptical, CA: cross-axial, grill, plate, pores, diagonal cross, bar, closed, CROSS-POLARS: rim-bicyclic, V-prominent, R-prominent,
Lith size: 4->12µm;
Data source notes: size range of included species
The morphological data given here can be used on the advanced search page. See also these notes

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): at top of Maastrichtian Stage (100% up, 66Ma, in Danian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within Late Aptian Substage (113.20-118.70Ma, base in Aptian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database

Plot of occurrence data:


Black, M. (1973). British Lower Cretaceous Coccoliths. I-Gault Clay (Part 2). Palaeontographical Society Monograph. 127: 49-112. gs

Bukry, D. (1969). Upper Cretaceous coccoliths from Texas and Europe. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Articles. 51 (Protista 2): 1-79. gs O

Burnett, J. A. (1998). Upper Cretaceous. In, Bown, P. R. (ed.) Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy. British Micropalaeontological Society Publication Series . 132-199. gs O

Gartner, S. (1968). Coccoliths and related calcareous nannofossils from Upper Cretaceous deposits of Texas and Arkansas. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Articles. 48 (Protista 1): 1-56. gs O

Noël, D. (1969). Arkhangelskiella (coccolithes Crétacés) et formes affines du Bassin de Paris. Revue de Micropaléontologie. 11: 191-204. gs

Stover, L. E. (1966). Cretaceous coccoliths and associated nannofossils from France and the Netherlands. Micropaleontology. 12(2): 133-167. gs


Gartnerago compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 8-9-2024

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