Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Radiolithus): Near circular to stellate eprolithids with relatively narrow wall formed from 9-16 brick-like, wall-cycle elements surrounding a wide central area spanned by an amedian diaphragm. The wall is usually lower than those seen in Eprolithus.
This taxon: Radiolithus 9 wall-elements, low wall and outline star-like
Farinacci & Howe catalog pages: R. undosus *
Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Radiolithus): Near circular to stellate eprolithids with relatively narrow wall formed from 9-16 brick-like, wall-cycle elements surrounding a wide central area spanned by an amedian diaphragm. The wall is usually lower than those seen in Eprolithus.
This taxon: Radiolithus 9 wall-elements, low wall and outline star-like
Search data:
LITHS: nannolith-radiate, circular, star-shaped, cylindrical, CA: vacant, closed, CROSS-POLARS: T-prominent, |
Lith size: 5->8µm; Segments: 9->9; Data source notes: original description & illustrated specimens |
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): within Late Cenomanian Substage (93.90-95.50Ma, top in Cenomanian stage). Data source: PRB nannotax entry
First occurrence (base): within Middle Albian Substage (107.59-109.70Ma, base in Albian stage). Data source: PRB nannotax entry
Plot of occurrence data:
Black, M. (1973). British Lower Cretaceous Coccoliths. I-Gault Clay (Part 2). Palaeontographical Society Monograph. 127: 49-112. gs Bralower, T. J. & Bergen, J. A. (1998). Cenomanian-Santonian calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of a transect of cores drilled across the Western Interior Seaway. In, Dean, W. E. & Arthur, M. A. (eds) Stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway. SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology . (6): -. gs Varol, O. (1992). Taxonomic revision of the Polycyclolithaceae and its contribution to Cretaceous biostratigraphy. Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 27(93-127): -. gsReferences:
Radiolithus undosus compiled by Jeremy R. Young, Paul R. Bown, Jacqueline A. Lees viewed: 7-9-2024
Short stable page link: https://mikrotax.org/Nannotax3/index.php?id=10982 Go to Archive.is to create a permanent copy of this page - citation notes |
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