Catalog entries: Chrysochromulina breviturrita
Original description: Cell sphaeroidal to ovate. (6)-8-12(-16) µm diam or long. Two equal or subequal flagella. (15-)18-24(-27) µm long; haptonema (6-)10-14(-16) µm long. Chromatophores usually 2. lobed and parietal. Single pyrenoid 1.5-2 µm diam, Iocated in the mid-region of the cell; stigma absent. Large contractile vacuole near bases of the haptonema and flagella at anterior pole. Food vacuole near posterior pole sometimes containing refractive material up to 3 µm diam. Nucleus located in the mid-region of the cell with conspicuous nucleolus 0.5-1 µm diam. Cell body covered with delicate organic scales of two types: an inner layer of oval plate stales (0.8-1.2 µm long; 0.5-0.6) µm wide) with a sculptured pattern of fine concentric lines and radiating ridges on the disial surface and a pattern of parallel ridges on the proximal surface; outer scales consisting of a base-plate similar in size to the underlying plate scales, but supporting centrally a short. delicate, blunt-ended spine with a club-shaped terminus. Spines attached to the base-plate by two to several branching arms arising from division of the spine about mid-way between the base-plate and the distal end of the spine. Total height of the spine above the base-plate, including supporting structures. 0.4-0.6 µm.
Type images:
Ecology & Biogeography
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source:
First occurrence (base): within No known fossil record modern (0.00-0.00Ma, base in "Holocene" stage). Data source:
Kling, H. J. (1981). Chrysochromulina laurentiana: an electron microscopic study of a new species of Prymnesiophyceae from Canadian Shield lakes. Nordic Journal of Botany. 1: 551-555. gs Nicholls, K. H. (1978). Chrysochromulina breviturrita sp. nov., a new freshwater member of the Prymnesiophyceae. Journal of Phycology. 14: 499-505. gsReferences:
Chrysochromulina breviturrita compiled by Jeremy R. Young viewed: 8-9-2024
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