Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Scrippsiella): Cysts with tangential wall structure and compound archaeopyles. Wall formed of largish non-intelocking elements each with a spine
This taxon: Sub-spherical to ellipsoidal; Wall of largish irregular weakly-interlocking elements with a central spine; c-axes tangential to surface and randomly oriented in plane of surface;
= Glenodinium trochoidea von Stein 1883
= Peridinium trochoidea (von Stein 1883) Lemmermann
The name S. trochoidea is very widely used but was shown to be a junior synonym of S. acuminata by Kretschamann et al. 2015
In the early coccolithophore literature several poorly illustrated species are probably also based on S. trochoidea cysts, compare them for instance with figs. 17 and 23 of Montresor et al. 2003:
Catalog entries: R. paxillifera * , C. tenax * , R. brevispina * , R. echinata * , R. nigra * , R. tubulosa * , R. paxillifera * , R. spinosa * , R. erinaceus [no catalog entry yet]
Distinguishing features:
Parent taxon (Scrippsiella): Cysts with tangential wall structure and compound archaeopyles. Wall formed of largish non-intelocking elements each with a spine
This taxon: Sub-spherical to ellipsoidal; Wall of largish irregular weakly-interlocking elements with a central spine; c-axes tangential to surface and randomly oriented in plane of surface;
Archeopyle: Mesoepicystal (Streng et al. 2004);
Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Zonneveld et al. 2005
First occurrence (base): within Late Miocene Sub-Epoch (5.33-11.62Ma, base in Tortonian stage). Data source: Fütterer 1977
Bernard, F. & Lecal, J. (1960). Plancton unicellulaire récolté dans l'océan Indien par le Charcot (1950) et le Norsel (1955-56). Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique Monaco. 57(11-Mar): 1-59. gs Fütterer, D. K. (1978). Distribution of calcareous dinoflagellates in Cenozoic sediments of Site 366, eastern North Atlantic. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. 41: 709-737. gs Gaarder, K. R. (1954). Coccolithineae, Silicoflagellatae, Pterospermataceae and other forms from the Michael Sars North Atlantic Deep Sea Expedition 1910. Report on the Scientific Results of the ‘‘Michael Sars'' North Atlantic Deep Sea Expedition 1910. 2: 1-20. gs Kretschmann, J. et al. (2015). Taxonomic clarification of the dinophyte Peridinium acuminatum Ehrenb., = Scrippsiella acuminata, comb. nov. (Thoracosphaeraceae, Peridiniales). Phytotaxa. 220(3): 239-256. gs Loeblich, A. R. I. (1976). Dinoflagellate evolution: speculations and evidence. Journal of Protozoology. 23: 13-28. gs Montresor, M., Sgrosso, S., Procaccini, G. & Kooistra, W. H. C. F. (2003). Intraspecific diversity in Scrippsiella trochoidea (Dinophyceae): evidence for cryptic species. Phycologia. 42(1): 56-70. gs Schiller, J. (1914). Bericht über Ergebnisse der Nannoplanktonuntersuchungen anlässlich der Kreuzungen S.M.S. Najade in der Adria. Internationale Revue für die gesamte Hydrobiologie. 6: 1-15. gs Schiller, J. (1925). Die planktonischen Vegetationen des adriatischen Meeres. A. Die Coccolithophoriden-Vegetation in den Jahren 1911-14. Archiv für Protistenkunde. 51: 1-130. gs Schiller, J. (1926). Uber Fortpflanzung, geissellose Gattungen und die Nomenklatur der Coccolithophoraceen nebst Mitteilung uber Copulation bei Dinobryon. Archiv für Protistenkunde. 53(326-342): -. gs Streng, M. & Meier, K. J. S. (2017). Diversity of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments of Gullmar Fjord, Sweden – an unrecognized gene pool of the Thoracosphaeraceae (peridineaen dinoflagellates). Journal of Nannoplankton Research. 37(1): 1-14. gs von Stein, F. R. (1883). Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere nach eigenen Forschungen in systematischer Reihenfolge bearbeitet, 3. Abtheilung, 2. Hälfte. Einleitung und Erklarung der Abbildungen. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig. 1-30. gs Zonneveld, K. A. F., Meier, K. J. S., Esper, O., Siggelkow, D., Wendler, I. & Willems, H. (2005). The (palaeo-) environmental significance of modern calcareous dinoflagellate cysts: a review. Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 79(1): 61-77. gs Missing or ambiguous references: Ehrenberg 1836; Kamptner 1937; References:
Scrippsiella acuminata compiled by Jeremy R. Young viewed: 12-1-2025
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