Nannotax3 - ntax_non_cocco - Silicifying dinoflagellates Nannotax3 - ntax_non_cocco - Silicifying dinoflagellates

Silicifying dinoflagellates

Classification: ntax_non_cocco -> Dinophytes -> Silicifying dinoflagellates
Sister taxa: Organic-walled dinoflagellates, Silicifying dinoflagellates, Sr-sulphate dinoflagellates, Thoracosphaeraceae

Daughter taxa (time control age-window is: 0-800Ma)Granddaughter taxa
Dinoflagellate with siliceous internal skeleton formed of two star-like bodies
Actiniscus pentasterias


Catalog entries: Silicifying dinoflagellates [no catalog entry yet]


Siliceous endoskeletal body

Geological Range:
Last occurrence (top): Extant. Data source: Total of ranges of the species in this database
First occurrence (base): within Late Oligocene Sub-Epoch (23.03-28.09Ma, base in Chattian stage). Data source: Total of ranges of species in this database


Missing or ambiguous references: Dumitrica 1986;


Silicifying dinoflagellates compiled by Jeremy R. Young viewed: 14-1-2025

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Comments (4)


I will look for the original photos whenever I return to Argentina.

According to Rai et al. 2008. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 37: 430-434; they occur from Late Eocene to Recent, beeing more common in the Late Neogene to Recent. There is also another nice paper: Dumitrica, 1973. CENOZOIC ENDOSKELETAL DINOFLAGELLATES IN SOUTHWESTERN PACIFIC

SEDIMENTS CORED DURING LEG 21 OF THE DSDP. In Initial Reports of the Deeps Sea Drilling Project, 21: 819-835.


Ah yes I had not looked at the Dumitrica paper before butI see now that it is a very useful review - i will aim to put the info into Nannotax sometime, for now I will add a reference to it.




Regarding the fossil record, I found them in Miocene samples from DSDP site 329. I know these images are bad, I´m taking them from a PPT Presentation, but I have the original ones somewhere. And also the slides.


nice - that is clearly Actiniscus, if you get better images I will put them on the page properly. It may well have a documented fossil record, I have not looked at the literature on these forms in any depth.
