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This page provides data from the catalog of type descriptions. The catalog is sorted alphabetically. Use the current identification link to go back to the main database.
Current identification/main database link: Anaticinella Eicher, 1972
Test trochospiral, umbilicate, outline lobate, spire flat to convex; chambers inflated, most lacking keels or poreless margins, some chambers of some specimens with poreless margins or weak keels that are relicts of the Rotalipora ancestry; sutures depressed, wall calcareous, perforate, radial in structure, surface smooth; primary aperture interiomarginal, extraumbilical-umbilical, bordered by a lip that may extend into umbilical plate, secondary sutural apertures on umbilical side, commonly one per suture, rarely two, each bordered by a narrow lip.
Original Description
Eicher, D. (1972). Phylogeny of the Late Cenomanian foraminifer Anaticinella multiloculata (Morrow). Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 2: 184-190. gsReferences:
Anaticinella compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 21-1-2025
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