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Biticinella ferreolensis Moullade 1961 = Globigerinelloides ferreolensis |
Current identification/main database link: Biticinella Sigal, 1956
See also: Anomalina. breggiensis -type species;
Translated from French: The study of samples from the Vraconian of Djebel Bejaoua, Tunisia yielded specimens belonging to the form described by Gandolfi under the name of Anomalina breggiensis that confirm a character already hypothesized on less good material: the chambers are prolonged, on both sides, by lamellar expansions which reveal, at their posterior edge, near the rim of the preceding chamber, an accessory intra-umbilical aperture; on one side, they are sometimes irregularly developed, as if this expresses the hidden asymmetry of the test
Original Description
This observation can be ranked as a morphological genus within the framework of a nomenclature of morphological plexuses. It belongs to a natural systematic group comprising certain Globigerina (sensu latu) with umbilical lamellar expansions but without accessory openings, the Ticinella (and Biticinella) with accessory openings, as well as the keeled Planomalina (at least Planomalina buxtorfi Gandolfi [Planulina buxtorfi, 1942]) and Thalmanninella-Rotalipora, respectively without, or with, accessory openings and with, or without, bilateral symmetry. This group is easily distinguished from another natural group, including other Globigerina which we can agree to consider as strains of Globotruncana, the Rotundina, the Globotruncana themselves and their globigerinoid forms, in which the lamellar expansions, when present, may well be homologous to those of the preceding group, but where the intraumbilical apertures (tunnel-shaped), when present, are not homologous to the preceding ones, because they are not accessory openings in intra- or sub-sutural position, but isolated portions of the umbilical part of the primary aperture.
Extra details from original publication
Le type reste Anomalina breggiensis; la synonymie que nous avions adoptée avec Anomalina bentonensis Morrow, d'après une analogie extérieure, est suspendue dans l'attente d'une nouvelle étude.
La multiplication des termes génériques que d'aucuns ne manqueront pas de reprocher, n'est regrettable que dans la mesure ou l'on ne reconnaît pas à ces morphogenres la valeur, tel un symbole mathématique, d'un raccourci d'expression entre spécialistes (ou non). Pour certains, ce seront les sous-genres, négligeables à loisir, des genres Rotalipora (choisi parce qu'il typifie bien le mode accessoire de l'ouverture) et Globotruncana, respectivement.
Sigal, J. (1956). Notes micropaléontologiques nord-africaines. 4. Biticinella breggiensis (Gandolfi), nouveau morphogenre. Compte Rendu Sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique de France. 3: 35-36. gsReferences:
Biticinella compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-1-2025
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