Catalog - Canderotalia Catalog - Canderotalia


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Higher levels: pf_cat -> C -> Canderotalia
Other pages this level: Candeina, Canderotalia, Candorbulina, Carinoturborotalia, Cassidulina, Cassigerinella, Cassigerinelloita, Catapsydrax, Caucasella, Chiloguembelina, Chiloguembelinella, Chiloguembelitria, Ciperoella, Civisina, Clavatorella, Claviblowiella, Clavigerinella, Clavihedbergella, Claviticinella, Compactogerina, Conoglobigerina, Contusotruncana, Coscinosphaera, Costellagerina, Cribrohantkenina, Cuneolina


Citation: Canderotalia Saito 1992
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Hastigerina klampisensis Kadar, 1975.

Current identification:

Original Description

Test free, umbilicate, outline lobate: chambers inflated, ar- ranged in a low trochospire, regularly coiling and comparatively slowly increasing in size as added; primary aperture interiomarginal, extraumbilical-umbilical fringed by a lip that may extend to become an umbilical plate: umbilical plate may possess as many as three arched accessory apertures; secondary apertures developed on each intercameral suture of the last few chambers and spaced at irregular intervals along the entire dorso-ventral curvature of each suture line; commonly more than one and sometimes up to several supplementary apertures per suture; each supplementary aperture arched, with a thick, raised lip; sutures simple, depressed; wall calcareous, radial in structure; surface mostly smooth, shiny, very finely perforate, distinct pustules developing over the umbilical face of those chambers grown earlier than the last chamber. Family Candeinidae, subfamily Candeininae. Monotypic.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: The most distinct and readily recognizable feature of the genus Canderotalia is the development of multiple supplementary apertures on each suture line of the last few chambers. Although similar multiple supplementary apertures are also present in two other Cenozoic genera, Candeina and Polyperibola, the new genus is distinct in having an open primary aperture with a distinct lip that may extend to form an umbilical plate and in having multiple suturalapertures whose shape ofopening as well as positioning on the suture is very irregular. This genus differs markedly from Hastigerina Thompson both by the possession of the multiple sutural supplementary apertures and by the lack of characteristic triradiate spines at the sphericalends of the chambers as seen in the latter genus.


Saito, T. (1992). Canderotalia, a new middle Miocene planktonic foraminiferal genus of the family Candeinidae. In, Ishizaki, K. & Saito, T. (eds) Centenary of Japanese Micropaleontology. Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo 37-41. gs


Canderotalia compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-9-2024

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