Catalog - Conoglobigerina Catalog - Conoglobigerina

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Conoglobigerina Morozova in Morozova&Moskalenko, 1961

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> C -> Conoglobigerina
Other pages this level: Candeina, Canderotalia, Candorbulina, Carinoturborotalia, Cassidulina, Cassigerinella, Cassigerinelloita, Catapsydrax, Caucasella, Chiloguembelina, Chiloguembelinella, Chiloguembelitria, Ciperoella, Civisina, Clavatorella, Claviblowiella, Clavigerinella, Clavihedbergella, Claviticinella, Compactogerina, Conoglobigerina, Contusotruncana, Coscinosphaera, Costellagerina, Cribrohantkenina, Cuneolina

Conoglobigerina avariformis Kasimova 1984
= Globuligerina avariformis
Conoglobigerina biapertura Wernli & Gorog 2007

Conoglobigerina grigelisi Gradstein 2017
= Conoglobigerina grigelisi
Conoglobigerina pupa Wernli & Gorog 2007

Conoglobigerina solaperta Wernli & Gorog 2007

Conoglobigerina trilocula Wernli & Gorog 2007


Citation: Conoglobigerina Morozova in Morozova&Moskalenko, 1961
Taxonomic rank: genus
Type species: Globigerina (Conoglobigerina) dagestanica Morozova in Morozova and Moskalenko, 1961

Current identification/main database link: Conoglobigerina Morozova 1961

See also: Globigerina (Conoglobigerina) - also used a sub-genus;

Original Description

Translation from the Russian - Test with a high spiral, height usually equal to or greater than the diameter (H:D > 1:1). The spiral is formed by three or four whorls less frequently by 2 or 2½ whorls. Chambers subspherical, more or less losely aranged. The number of chambers is inconstant, and varies from three to six per whorl. Fre:quently, there there are specimens with a multichambered initial whorl consisting of 5 or 6 chambers, the subsequent wholrs comprising 3 or 4 chambers each; however some forms have an equal numbers of chambers in all whorls. in some representatives of the subgenus the chambers are arranged so as to form more or less regular rows; in others, no regular pattern in the arrangement of chambers is noticeable. Aperture small, single. Wall thin, finely porous, surface smooth or slightly rugose. Family Globigerinidae. Middle Jurassic-Recent(?).

Extra details from original publication
We have separated the subgenus Conoglobigerina from the genus Globigerina d'Orbigny for a group of individuals with a sinlge aperture, a thin, smooth or weakly rugose wall, and a high spiral, usually formed from a large number of whorls. These fatures differentiate the prsent subgenus from the representatives of the subgenera Eoglobigerina and Globigerina.


Morozova, V. G. & Moskalenko, T. A. (1961). Планктонные фораминиферы пограничных отложений байосского и батского ярусов Центрального Дагестана (Северо-Восточный Кавказ) [Foraminiferes planctoniques des depots limitrophes du Bajocien et du Bathonien du Daghestan central (Nord-Est du Caucase)]. Voprosyi Mikropaleontologii. 5: 3-30. gs


Conoglobigerina compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-1-2025

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