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Elhasaella alanwoodi Hamam 1976 |
Current identification:
Original Description
Extra details from original publication
It is believed that the new genus is adapted to the planktic type of life as it shows many of the characteristic features of planktic foraminifera: Test calcareous, highly perforated with a pattern and distribution of pores comparable to planktic foraminiferal species; initial part planispiral becoming triserial followed by biserial and uniserial arrangement and with non-coiled final part (Family Heterohelicidae Cushman) ; chambers highly inflated to subglobular-globular; aperture terminal on neck with lip (Genus Bifarina Parker and Jones has a terminal aperture); aperture in well preserved individuals demonstrating the presence of an imperforate cover plate-like structure with intralaminal crescentic secondary opening, comparable to the tegillum and secondary intralaminal apertures; development of fine elongate spines to support the frothy areolated ectoplasm, giving hispid to hirsute surface texture. The present new genus is also associated with a very rich planktic foraminiferal assemblage of the Middle and Upper Maastrichtian, kindly see under the genoholotype description.
Editors' Notes
Elhasaella compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 23-1-2025
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