Catalog - Elhasaella alanwoodi Catalog - Elhasaella alanwoodi

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Elhasaella alanwoodi Hamam 1976

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Elhasaella alanwoodi

Citation: Elhasaella alanwoodi Hamam 1976
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 457-
Type specimens: Plate 1, figs. 1-7; plate 2, figs. 1-8
Type sample (& lithostrat): abundant in type sample 2, from 7 m. - thick gray shale
Type age (chronostrat): Maastrichtian
Type locality: Abu El Awafi section at approximately longitude 36°03' and latitude 30°39' and about 20 km. to the south of El Hasa Railroad Station, Jordan.

Linked specimens: London, UK; NHM (PM P 50379)

Current identification:

Original Description

Diagnosis: Test medium to large, elongate, axis of the planispire making and angle with the elongated axis of test, radially arranged chambers of the planispiral part, highly inflated chambers in the tri-, biand uniserial parts, densely spinose surface except for the lateral sides of the planispire, lip and apertural cover plate.

Description: Elongate test, medium to large with inclined initial planispiral part; longitudinal axis of test making an angle with planispire axis, the initial part followed successively by tri-, biand uniserial parts, occasionally uniserial last part much reduced or not developed; length from 0.36 to 0.65 mm., average from 0.40 to 0.60 mm.; width from 0.13 to 0.20, average from 0.16 to 0.18 mm.; length to width ratio from 2.47 to 3.50; planispiral part small, disc-like with top side flat, bottom side grooved along sutures, diameter from 0,07 to 0.10 mm., thickness 0,03 to 0.04 mm.; this part followed by 2 to 3 volutions of triserial part, both making up about 1/3 of test; about 2 volutions of biserial and 1 to 2 volutions of uniserial parts following the triserial part successively 5 to 7 radially elongated chambers of the initial planispire almost flat-topped, moderately to highly inflated on bottom side, and almost equal, very slightly enlarging in size as added, chambers of later stages highly inflated almost globular in distal part; sutures flush to slightly depressed on the upper side of planispire, incised on lower side and rest of test; wall <:a-lcareous highly perforated except for the upper and lower sides of initial part and lip where perforation is much reduced, imperforate apertural cover plate; terminal aperture round to ovate, on short to moderate neck with lip and cover plate; cover plate scarcely preserved, only in extremely well preserved specimens with crescentic intralaminal accessory opening; surface densely spinose hispid to hirsute, except for upper and lower sides of planispire, lip and apertural cover plate; spines long and narrow.

Dimensions of holotype: Test: Length, 0.61 mm., width, 0.20 mm. Initial planispire: Dia- meter, 0.09 mm.; Thickness, 0.04 mm.

In honour of Professor Alan Wood, Geology Department, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales, U. K.

Extra details from original publication
Occurrence: Common in samples 1, 3.

Associated fauna: Abundant planktic fauna characteristic of the Middle and Upper Maastrichtian: Globotruncana gansseri gansseri Bolli, G. gansseri gandolfii El-Naggar, G. aegyptiaca aegyptiaca Nakkady, G. aegyptiaca duwi Nakkady, G. esnehensis Nakkady, Rugoglobigerina macrocephala Bronnimann, R . scotti (Bronnimann), and Pseudotextularia deformis (Kikoine) and many others (Hamam and Haynes, MS).

Editors' Notes
This species is now regarded as a benthic foram, in the superfamily Eouvigerinoidea. See world foraminifera database"


Hamam, K. A. (1976). Elhasaella, a new planktic foraminifer from the Maastrichtian of Jordan. Revista Española de Micropaleontología. 8(3): 453-458. gs


Elhasaella alanwoodi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025

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