Catalog - Eoglobigerina maamouri Catalog - Eoglobigerina maamouri

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Eoglobigerina maamouri Salaj 1986

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> E -> Eoglobigerina -> Eoglobigerina maamouri
Other pages this level: E. appressa, E. edita praeedita, E. eobulloides simplicissima, E. extensa, E. ferreri, E. fodina, E. maamouri, E. operta

Eoglobigerina maamouri

Citation: Eoglobigerina maamouri Salaj 1986
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 52
Type specimens: pl. 2, figs. 4-9: holotype pl2 f3 = T17
Type sample (& lithostrat): LM12 - basal 50cm of Danian
Type age (chronostrat): basal Danian
Type locality: El Haria near El Kef, Tunisia; locality LM-12 of the Vlth African Micropaleontological Colloquium
Type repository: Bratislava; Dionýz Štúr Institute of Geology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Current identification:

Original Description

Fine perforate, smooth test, formed by two whorls, in each whorl 4 sphaerical, inflated chambers. Suture radially depressed. Umbilicus small, depressed. Aperture extraumbilical, without lip.

Diameter 45-60 µm, height 20-25 µm."

To the honour of Mme Dr. A.-L. Maamouri, geo- loge in the Service Géologique de Tunisie.

Extra details from original publication
Stratigraphic range: Eoglobigerina maamouri n. sp. is abundant and so far found in the Postrugoglobigerina praedaubjergensis n. sp. Zone only.


Salaj, J. (1986). The new Postrugoglobigerina praedaubjergensis Zone at the base of the stratotype of the marine Paleocene (El Kef, Tunisia). Geologiscky Zbornik -Geologica Carpathica. 37: 35-58. gs


Eoglobigerina maamouri compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025

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