Catalog - Globigerina conglobata Catalog - Globigerina conglobata

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina conglobata Brady, 1879

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Globigerina conglobata

Citation: Globigerina conglobata Brady, 1879
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 286-7
Type specimens: 1959.4.13.7. - lectotype designated by Banner & Blow 1960
Type locality: Challenger Station 64, North Atlantic, depth 2750 fathoms
Type repository: London, UK; NHM

Linked specimens: London, UK; NHM (1959.4.13.7)

Current identification/main database link: Globigerinoides conglobatus (Brady, 1879)

Original Description

Globigerina conglobata, nov. is a large subglobular modification of the " rubra" type, in which the early segments are small and compactly arranged, and the spire convex rather than trochoid the later segments are large, particularly the three forming the final convolution, and disposed so as to give a convex base. The apertures on the superior surface are numerous, and the test is thick and coarsely perforated.

Description of lectotype, from Banner & Blow 1960
.-The shape of the large test is subglobular to subquadrate. In axial profile the dorsal surface is convex and the axial periphery is broadly rounded. The equatorial periphery is weakly lobate. The chambers are coiled in a fairly low but tight trochospire consisting of approximately three whorls. The chambers are initially reniform but later becoming narrowly lunate in dorsal aspect. The later chambers are characteristically strongly depressed, slightly embracing but moderately inflated. There are about 4½ chambers in the earlier whorls reducing to 3½ chambers in the last whorl. The dorsal spiral and intercameral sutures are initially obscure but become distinctly and narrowly depressed during ontogeny, so much so that the later formed sutures appear deeply incised and the chambers "bevelled." Four chambers are visible ventrally and the sutures between them are distinct, narrowly depressed, slightly sinuous to radial. The umbilicus is small, almost closed, but deep. The apertures are multiple; the distinct primary interiomarginal-umbilical aperture is a fairly long, comparatively low, slightly asymmetric arch broadest posteriorly with respect to the direction of coiling. The dorsal supplementary apertures are sutural in position and are visible in the basal sutures of the chambers of the last whorl and the later part of the penultimate whorl. In the last chamber there are three such supplementary apertures. Both the primary and supplementary apertures of the last chamber are bordered by thickened rim-like lips. The wall is characteristically very thick, especially in the early whorls, and it is uniformly and fairly coarsely perforate. The surface of the test is cancellate and syntypes taken in vivo show it to have been originally finely, uniformly and densely spinose.

Maximum diameter of lectotype: 0.85 mm

Extra details from original publication
Taxonomic remarks. Brady (1879) first described this species from recent material collected by the Challenger Expedition; he did not illustrate the form nor did he give its precise provenance. When he subsequently wrote his more detailed account of the Foraminifera collected by H. M. S. Challenger (1884) he redescribed and, for the first time, iliustrated a syntypic series of specimens. Nuttall (1927, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 9, vol. 19; p. 233) was able to identify the Canada Balsam mounted specimen which had been illustrated by Brady (1884, pI. 82, fig. 5), but was unable to locate any of the other illustrated specimens. With the assistance of Dr. C. G. Adams and Miss C. Underwood we have also searched for Brady's illustrated specimens and, like Nuttall, could only find the Canada Balsam mounted specimen. Two slides of Globigerina conglobata Brady are extant in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History); one slide contains 30 specimens obtained from Challenger Station 64, North Atlantic, depth 2750 fathoms, and is marked, in Brady's handwriting, on the back as "? pI. 80, fig. 2."" The other slide contains 2 specimens .obtained from Challenger Station 338, South Atlantic, depth 1990 fathoms, and is marked, again in Brady's handwriting, as ""pI. 80, figs. 1,3;"" however, we do not believe that these were in fact the specimens so illustrated. Consequently, we have selected as lectotype one of the 2 specimens identified by Brady from the slide marked ""pI. 80, figs. 1, 3"" (Challenger Station 338). The lectotype, here designated, is illustrated here (pI. 4, fig. 4), and is registered in the British Museum (Natural History) as specimen no. 1959.4.13.7. [Banner & Blow 1960]

Remarks. This species is considered here to be properly assigned to the genus Globigerinoides Cushman 1927, as restricted by Bolli, Loeblich and Tappan 1957 (see also Banner and Blow, 1959); it possesses a distinct primary umbilical aperture and dorsal supplementary apertures which are sutural in position; these supplementary apertures are not confined to the last chamber only as they are in species of the genus Globigerapsis Bolli, Loeblich and Tappan 1957.
Records of this species in the Eocene (e. g., Subbotina, 1953) are in error and these Eocene forms belong to the genus Globigerapsis Bolli, Loeblich and Tappan. Forms recorded from the Miocene (e. g., Stainforth, 1948) are probably referable to Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd. The form figured by A. G. I. P. Mineraria (1957) is from the Lower Pliocene but the records of this species in the Miocene by A. G. I. P. Mineraria (loc. cit.) are probably in error. This species has only been observed by us in deposits of Pliocene and Pleistocene age as well as in collections from the recent seas. The species has probably evolved from Globigerinoides gomitulus (Seguenza) in the basal Pliocene. [Banner & Blow 1960]"


Banner, F. T. & Blow, W. H. (1960a). Some primary types of species belonging to the superfamily Globigerinaceae. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 11: 1-41. gs O


Globigerina conglobata compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-2-2025

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