Catalog - Globigerina cretacea eggeri Catalog - Globigerina cretacea eggeri

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina cretacea var. eggeri Heron-Allen & Earland 1922

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Globigerina cretacea eggeri

Citation: Globigerina cretacea var. eggeri Heron-Allen & Earland 1922
Taxonomic rank: variety
Type specimens: pl. VII figs 6-8
Type sample (& lithostrat): Dredging
Type age (chronostrat): Recent
Type locality: Terra nova station 6 , 7 miles east of Norh Cape, 70 New Zealand area.
Type repository: London; NHM

Current identification/main database link: Turborotalita humilis (Brady, 1884)

Original Description

A single delicate specimen, 0.22 mm. in diameter, exhibiting seven chambers on the inferior side, and two complete whorls of chambers on the upper or rotaline surface. It is clearly allied to the G. cretacea group, but does not agree with either the tvpe or the species sub-cretacea instituted by Chapman for the recent forms of G. cretacea figured by Brady (C. 1901 FFA, p410, pl xxxvi, fig. 16). On the other hand the N.Z. specimen does very closely resemble a little form which has been figured by several authors under the name G. aequilateralis, Brady, disregarding the fact that G. aequilateralis should, as its name suggests, be aequilateral, presenting a similar appearance on both faces.

0.22 mm. in diameter

We have associated our variety with the name of Egger, who is responsible for the original misapplication of the name G. aequilateralis.

Extra details from original publication
These small, compressed rotaline Globigerinae are very rare, but we have observed them before in several tropica! and sub-tropical gatherings.


Egger, J. G. (1899). Foraminiferen und Ostrakoden aus den Kreidemergeln der Oberbayerischen Alpen. Abhandlungen der königlichen bayerischen Akademie Wissenschaften zu München. 21(1): +169-+. gs

Egger, J. G. (1910). Ostrakoden und Foraminiferen des Eybrunner Kreidemergels in der Umgegend von Regensburg. Bericht naturwiss. Ver. Regensurg. 12: +36-+. gs

Heron-Allen, E. & Earland, A. (1922). Protozoa, Part II,Foraminifera. Natural History Report, British Antarctic Terra Nova Expedition, Zoology. 6(2): 25-268. gs O


Globigerina cretacea eggeri compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-2-2025

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