Catalog - Globigerina cretacea esnehensis Catalog - Globigerina cretacea esnehensis

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina cretacea var. esnehensis Nakkady 1950

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Globigerina cretacea esnehensis

Citation: Globigerina cretacea var. esnehensis Nakkady 1950
Taxonomic rank: variety
Type specimens: Plate 90, figures 14-16
Type sample (& lithostrat): Dar. 230
Type age (chronostrat): Lower Eocene
Type locality: Anglo-Egyptian Oilfields Ltd. Sample Dar. 230, from Abu Durba, in western Sinai, about 174 km. southeast of Suez, Egypt.
Type repository: London, UK; NHM

Current identification/main database link: Acarinina esnehensis (Nakkady 1950)

Original Description

This variety is distinguished from the typical form by being stouter, larger, thicker shelled, more coarsely perforate and having a rougher surface. It has five to seven chambers in the last whorl and these are of regular shape and size.

Holotype diameter 0.40 mm.; thickness, 0.30 mm

Extra details from original publication
Schwager (1883, Palaeontographica, vol. 30 [p. 119, pl. 29, fig. 13a-d, as globigerina cf. cretacea d'Orbigny]) figured a form similar to this variety from the Mokattam Stufe of Egypt but having only one whorl of chambers. G. concinna Reuss is somewhat similar but also has fewer convolutions. G. dubia Egger is much more pronouncedly trochoid and G. dutertrei [d'Orbigny] is a near ally but has a large last chamber.

This variety seems to be best developed high in the shales where it replaces G. cretacea. It is flooding to abundant in the top shale and lower Eocene samples of Abu Durba, restricted to the lower Eocene (abundant to frequent) at Wadi Danili, but appears at a lower zone at Gebel Duwi, where it becomes a flooding form only higher in the shales and extends to the lower Eocene. In the Luxor section, which represents a slightly higher zone than the other sections, it is flooding in almost all samples


Nakkady, S. E. (1950). A new foraminiferal fauna from the Esna shales and Upper Cretaceous chalk of Egypt. Journal of Paleontology. 24(6): 675-692. gs


Globigerina cretacea esnehensis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-2-2025

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