Catalog - Globigerina danica Catalog - Globigerina danica

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina danica Bang 1969

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Globigerina danica

Citation: Globigerina danica Bang 1969
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 60-61
Type specimens: Plate 1 figs 1-3
Type sample (& lithostrat): Boring 14, 72.4-73.3m
Type age (chronostrat): Paleocene lower Danian and Selandian
Type locality: Boreholes taken in the Store Baelt, between Halsskov and Nyborg, Denmark: boring no. 14, at a depth of 72.40 - 73.30 m. (fig. la-c); boring no. 21, at depths of 22.10 m. and 89.20 m. (figs. 2a-c and 3a-c, respectively).
Type repository: Depository not given.

Current identification/main database link: Parasubbotina pseudobulloides (Plummer 1927)

Original Description

No proper descripton given - only a differential diagnosis from G. pseudobulloides - see extra details below.

Extra details from original publication
It differs from G. pseudobulloides in the thinner-walled test, which is smooth to finely hispid, pitted, but never reticulate. It is closely related to Globorotalia compressa. It shows a great variation, and a series of forms has been used in local correlation. The oldest form has been described hy HOFKER (1960, p. 77, fig. I7-20) and BERGGREN (1962, text-fig. I-2). It has not been observed in the Storebrelt-material. This can be due to too sparse sampling.

The form shown in plate I, fig. 3 is common in zone I. It has a relatively high spire, slowly increasing size of chambers, 4-5 per, whorl. The 5-chambered forms seem to be synonymous with G. edita SUBBOTINA. Plate I, fig. 2 shows a form occurring in the upper part of zone I and lower part of zone IV (Zone II-III do not contain G. danica), in zone IV together with the form fig. r. They have very inflated, thin-walled chambers, and are finely hispid.

In the Selandian deposits a form with nearly biconvex test is found.


Bang, I. (1969). Planktonic foraminifera and biostratigraphy of the type Danian. In, Brönnimann, P. & Renz, H. H. (eds) Proceedings of the First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils, Geneva, 1967. E.J. Brill, Leiden (1): 58-65. gs


Globigerina danica compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 13-2-2025

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