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CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina dubiata McCulloch 1977

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Globigerina dubiata

Citation: Globigerina dubiata McCulloch 1977
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 412
Type specimens: pl. 173, holotype (fig. 9), no. AHF 2543; hypotype (fig. 7), no. AHF 2542.
Type age (chronostrat): Recent.
Type locality: Holotype (fig. 9) in shallow water on Velero Station 1017, in Avalon Harbor, Catalina; Island; hypotype (fig. 7), in 13 fms. on Station 1003, off San Clemente Island; California; also in 860-1150 fms. on Station 6000, off Bikini Atoll, South Pacific Ocean.
Type repository: Los Angeles; Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles;

Current identification/main database link: Globigerinoides elongatus (d'Orbigny, 1826)

Original Description

“Test elongate compressed, trochoid, periphery, lobulate rounded; wall semihyaline prominently, compactly perforate, comparatively smooth; initial chambers small about three whorls of semiglobose chambers rapidly in creasing in size, four more globose chambers in last formed whorl; primary aperture in form of an arch at base of last formed chamber with one at least secondary smaller aperture at opposite end.

Holotype (fig. 9) .415 x .249 x .217mm; hypotype (fig. 7) .442mm dia. x .332mm.

Extra details from original publication
“The possibility that these are abnormal has been considered. They are rare. If normal forms, the genus is questioned because of the secondary apertures. Globgerina helicina D’Orbigny, 1826, was described as a Recent from Adriatic; Brady (1884, Challenger Exped. 1873-76, Rept., Zool., vol. 9, pl. 81, figs. 4, 5) illustrated two forms which seem to have about the same structure in the views illustrated. The Challenger forms were from deep water, 1125, 1900 fms.”


McCulloch, I. A. (1977). Qualitative observations on Recent foraminiferal tests with emphasis on the eastern Pacific (3 vols). University of Southern California, Los Angeles. -. gs


Globigerina dubiata compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 21-1-2025

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