Catalog - Globigerina eamesi Catalog - Globigerina eamesi

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina eamesi Blow 1959

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Globigerina eamesi

Citation: Globigerina eamesi Blow 1959
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 176
Type specimens: 625695
Type sample (& lithostrat): From sample, No. RM 19778, auger line near Pozon; Plate 9, figures 39a-c
Type age (chronostrat): Late Miocene
Type locality: Pozon, eastern Falcon, Venzeuela
Type repository: Washington; USNM

Linked specimens: USNM-625696 USNM-625695

Current identification:

Original Description

Test strongly trochospiral with 11-12 chambers arranged in about three whorls and with four chambers in the last whorl; chambers subspherical, inflated but somewhat embracing, also increasing regularly and fairly slowly in size as added; equatorial periphery lobate; equatorial profile subcircular; axial periphery rounded. The sutures of the spiral side and umbilical side are depressed, radial to slightly curved. Umbilicus small, usually almost closed; aperture an elongate slit with a thin lip, interiomarginal, umbilical; wall calcareous, perforate, thin and fragile, rough to distinctly spinose, often with thick spines.

Maximum diameter of holotype, 0.34 mm.

This species is named after Dr. F. E. Fames (Chief Palaeontologist, The British Petroleum Co. Ltd., London) in recognition of his contributions to Miocene stratigraphy and also in appreciation of the encouragement he has given the author during the preparation of this work.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks: This species is characterized by the rough to spinose wall which is also thin and fragile. It differs from Globigerina foliata Bolli by being more trochospiral, in having a very small umbilicus, a slitlike aperture and in the chambers being less well separated.

Occurrence:—Ranges from the middle part of the Globorotalia menardii menardii/Globigerina nepenthes Zone to the Sphaeroidinella seminulina Zone, Pozon formation. [i.e. Late Miocene ca N15 to 17]

Editors' Notes
NB This is a problematic taxon, it will be investigated by the Neogene working group. [editor&apos;s comment - JRY 2019]


Blow, W. H. (1959). Age, correlation, and biostratigraphy of the upper Tocuyo (San Lorenzo) and Pozon Formations, eastern Falcon, Venezuela. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 39(178): 67-251. gs


Globigerina eamesi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 9-2-2025

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