Catalog - Globigerina eximia Catalog - Globigerina eximia

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina eximia Todd 1957

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Globigerina eximia

Citation: Globigerina eximia Todd 1957
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: 623978
Type sample (& lithostrat): Tagpochau limestone, Donni sandstone member.
Type age (chronostrat): Miocene
Type locality: Holotype from locality C70, southeast Saipan, Mariana Islands.
Type repository: Washington; USNM

Linked specimens: USNM-623978

Current identification:

Original Description

"Test large, compact, low spired; umbilicus narrow and deep. Chambers few, large, inflated toward their dorsal and peripheral parts and becoming constricted toward the umbili cus, strongly embracing dorsally and overhanging the umbilicus ventrally, last three constituting most of the test. Sutures distinctly indented. Wall calcareous, perforate, coarsely cancellated. Aperture small, narrow, at the junction of the ventral sutures.  

Greatest dimension of test 0.75-0.85 mm.; thickness 0.55-0.70 mm.

Extra details from original publication
This species seems related to Globigerina venezuelana Hedberg from the Oligocene of Venezuela, but in Globigerina eximia the chambers are more inflated and more rapidly increasi ng in size as added, resulting in three instead of four chambers co nstituting the last whorl and in the last chamber making up a larger proportion of the test.


Todd, R. (1957). Smaller foraminifera, in Geology of Saipan, Mariana Islands, Pt. 3, Paleontology. U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper. 280-H: 265-320. gs O


Globigerina eximia compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-2-2025

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