CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina finlayi Bronnimann 1952
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Original Description This species resembles Globigerina linaperta Finlay, from which it differs in the arrangement of chambers. The final whorl is composed of only three chambers, and the fairly large arcuate aperture lies centrally at the intersections of the umbilical sutures. The end chamber is situated across two preceding chambers, whereas in Globigerina linaperta it is situated across three chambers. The umbilicus is shallow and in well preserved specimens exposes also the aperture of the penultimate chamber. The species coils in both directions. Size: Holotype: Coiling dextral. Dimensions: maximum diameter, 0.312mm.; end chamber radial diameter, 0.15mm. tangential diameter, 0.24mm.
height,0.245mm. Etymology: The species is named for the late H.J.Finlay.
Extra details from original publication Remarks. This rare and conspicuous species is clearly defined by the arrangement of the chambers of the final whorl and by the central positon of the aperture. Two other specimens of locality Rz.287 have a maximum diameter of 0.275mm and of 0.3mm; one of the specimens is coiled dextrally, the other sinistrally. G.finlayi comes close to Globigerina eocaenica Terquem, 1882 which, however, has the aperture located asymmetrically, at the base of the apertural face and to one side of the center of the last chamber (Terquem,1882,pl.9 fig.4;Bandy, 1919,p.120,pl.23,figs.2a-c). Another three-chambered species similar to G.finlayi with a central aperture, but belonging to Globigerinoides, is also known from Oligocene of Trinidad.
Brönnimann, P. (1952d). Trinidad Paleocene and lower Eocene Globigerinidae. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 34(143): 1-34. gs
Globigerina finlayi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 20-9-2024
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