Catalog - Globigerina fringa Catalog - Globigerina fringa

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina fringa Subbotina 1950

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Globigerina fringa

Citation: Globigerina fringa Subbotina 1950
taxonomic rank: Species
Type specimens: Pl. 5, figs. 10-21, holotype, X 102 : 19, dorsal view; 20, ventral view; 21, peripheral view.
Type age (chronostrat): Paleocene; holotype from the Elburgan horizon, marine beds of the Azov-Black Sea flysch; and found also in that horizon in folded sandstone.
Type locality: Holotype from Anapa. and found also at Mineralovodsk; all in northwestern Caucasus, Soviet Russia.
Type repository: VNIGRI

Current identification/main database link: Subbotina cancellata Blow 1979

Original Description

[Translation from the Russian. - Test extremely small, dorsoventrally compressed, consisting of two distinctly visible whorls, the second being approximately five times larger than the first. Outline of the test broadly oval. Periphery rounded, lobate. In the final whorl there are four spherical, slightly compressed chambers closely adhering to one another; the final chamber slightly drawn-out upward. Chamber arrangement rotaloid. Chambers of the final whorl differ strongly in size. The final chamber is particularly large, constituting nearly one-half the entire whorl. Chambers semispherical on the dorsal side, and pear-shaped on the ventral side. All chambers adhere closely to one another. The umbilicus is in the form of a faintly outlined small indentation. Sutures depressed; on the dorsal side short, weakly curved, nearly straight; on the ventral side they are longer, more strongly curved. All the sutures on the ventral side, taken together, form an oblique cross (fig. 20). Aperture slitlike, extending along the marginal suture from the umbilicus to the periphery. Wall thin, transparent, smooth. Dimensions of holotype: Greatest diameter 0. 10 mm.; smallest diameter 0.06 mm.

Extra details from original publication

[Variability. -In some specimens the final camber is smaller and not as drawn-out upward as in typical specimens. Moreover, in such specimens, as if to retain the same volume, there are four and one-half or even five chambers instead of the usual four chambers. Besides, the dimensions of the test vary slightly.

[Comparison. - In our opinion, the closest species, considering the extremely small size of the test, is Globigerina globigerinellinoides Subbotina. However, the latter has a larger number of chambers in the last whorl, which, in addition, are differently arranged; it also has a different aperture, with a lip. ]


Olsson, R. K., Hemleben, C., Berggren, W. A. & Huber, B. T. (1999). Atlas of Paleocene Planktonic Foraminifera. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. (85): 1-252. gs

Subbotina, N. N. (1950). Mikrofauna i stratigrafiya Elburganskogo Gorozonta Goriathego Klyitcha [Microfauna and Stratigraphy of the Elburgan Horizon and the Goryatchy Klijutch Horizon]. In, Mikrofauna of the  USSR, 4. Trudy Vsesoyuznego Neftyanogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) . 51: 5-112. gs


Globigerina fringa compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-9-2024

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