CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina kondoi Todd 1970
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Citation: Globigerina kondoi Todd 1970taxonomic rank: SpeciesDescribed on page(s) : A16Type specimens: Plate 7, figure 2; Holotype, USNM 687550Type sample (& lithostrat): USGS Foraminifera locality f26192.Type age (chronostrat): upper EoceneType locality: about a quarter of a mile north of Vaingana, Eua, Tonga at altitude 400 feet. Type repository: Washington; USNM
Original Description Test small for the genus, compactly coiled, not com- pressed; periphery indented; chambers few, early ones indistinct, 3X to 4 making up the adult whorl, moderately inflated; sutures indistinct on the dorsal side, straight and incised on the ventral side; wall finely cancellate; aperture large, high-arched, extending from the um- bilicus toward the periphery, protected by a narrow rim. Size: Length 0.30-0.40 mm; breadth 0.25-0.32 mm; thickness 0.20-0.30 mm Etymology: This species is named in honor of Yoshio Kondo, the collector of the material, of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Honolulu. Extra details from original publication The high-arched aperture, at least as high as wide, is the distinguishing characteristic of this species. It is a smaller species than Globigerina ampliapertura, and its large aperture is high and narrow as compared with the broad aperture of that species. Globigerina druryi Akers (1955, p. 654, pl. 65, fig. 1) is somewhat similar but is a more tightly coiled form and the aperture is much lower. A species called "Globorotalia" acrostoma Wezel (1966, p. 1298, pi. 101, figs. 1-12; text fig. 1) from the upper Oligocene and lower Miocene of southern Italy resembles this new species in the size and shape of its aperture, but "G." acrostoma differs in the peripheral position of the aperture, the compression of the whole test, and the greater number of chambers per whorl.
Todd, R. (1970b). Smaller foraminifera of late Eocene age from Eua, Tonga. U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper. 640-A: 1-23. gs
Globigerina kondoi compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 14-9-2024
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