Catalog - Globigerina paratriloculinoides Catalog - Globigerina paratriloculinoides

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina paratriloculinoides Hofker 1956

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Globigerina paratriloculinoides

Citation: Globigerina paratriloculinoides Hofker 1956
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Text-fig. 99; P4918
Type sample (& lithostrat): an unnamed formation unconformably underlying the Upper Eocene San Mateo formation : in white tuffaceous shale (neritic facies).
Type age (chronostrat): Paleocene
Type locality: Quarry on the hillside north of the Manta-Portoviejo road between the 22 km. and 23 km. posts, 14 km. due west of Portoviejo, Ma nabĂ­ Province, west-central Ecuador.
Type repository: Washington; USNM

Linked specimens: USNM-4818

Current identification:

Original Description

All chambers visible on the dorsal side, only those of the last whorl visible on the ventral side, reaching almost to the center but leaving a small umbilical cavity free. Chambers fairly inflated toward both sides, increasing slowly in length, with a ratio of 1.1 or 1.2 : 1 between successive chambers. Surface smooth; pore-index 5-1.5, X 500 (an average of five pores per square centimeter, with an average diameter of 1.5 mm, at a magnification of 500X). Aperture a narrow opening at the umbilical cavity. This species somewhat resembles Globigerina triloculinoides Plummer, but differs from topotypes of that species in the total lack of any honeycomb ornamentation.

Test of medium size, the diameters 0.42 mm. and 0.36 mm., thickness 0.24 mm.


Hofker, J. (1956e). Tertiary foraminifera of coastal Ecuador; Part II - Additional notes on the Eocene species. Journal of Paleontology. 30(4): 891-958. gs


Globigerina paratriloculinoides compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-1-2025

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