CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina posttriloculinoides Khalilov 1956
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Original Description [Translation from the Russian. - Test quadrangular, inflated. Dorsally, the first whorl has five small chambers; the second and third have four chambers each, rapidly increasing in size. On the ventral side the large final chamber is perpendicular to the two preceding.
[Test large, quadrangular, inflated, low conical. Periphery sinuous. The chambers of the first two whorls occupy a very small area, and are below the plane of the last whorls, although not as low as in Globigerina quadritriculinoides Chalilov. On the dorsal side the initial round chamber is surrounded by five barely discernible chambers. In the second whorl there are four small semispherical chambers. In the last whorl, the four strongly inflated chambers, rapidly increasing in size, are subspherical. On the ventral side, the first small chamber of the last whorl is barely visible; this is followed by three large inflated chambers, of which the last one is subspherical and perpendiculat to the two preceding ones. Sutures between the chambers of the first whorl barely noticeable, those of the remaining whorls depressed, narrow, straight. Aperture slitlike, with a weakly expressed calcareous lip in the last chamber, at the side of the umbilicus. Wall calcareous, densely porous. In the last chamber these pits are somewhat smaller than the preceding chambers. Diameter 0.60 mm.; Thickness 0.40 mm.
Khalilov, D. M. (1956). 0 pelagicheskoy faune foraminifer Paleogenovykh otlozheniy Azerbaydzhana [Pelagic Foraminifera of the Paleogene Deposits of the Azerbaizhan SSR]. Trudy Instituta Geologii, Akademiya Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. 17: 234-255. gs
Globigerina posttriloculinoides compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 16-1-2025
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