Catalog - Globigerina rosetta Catalog - Globigerina rosetta

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerina rosetta Carsey 1926

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Globigerina rosetta

Citation: Globigerina rosetta Carsey 1926
taxonomic rank: Species
Type specimens: 1510
Type age (chronostrat): not given
Type locality: Moore and Berrys Crossing on Onion Creek, Travis County, TX.
Type repository: Austin; Univ of Texas-Austin

Current identification/main database link: Globotruncana rosetta (Carsey, 1926)

Original Description

Test coiled, flattened to slightly convex with surface of chambers flattened seldom inflated, but occasionally resting at an angle to the dorsal plane causing the anterior margin of each to be slightly raised; sutures sweep from the center and roundly curve on the periphery giving a subpetaloid appearance, are distinctly marked, slightly broadened and frequently ornamented by tubercles which are coarser toward the center. Their periphery, formed by the extremity of the sutures, is scalloped or lobed, subcarinate and ornamented by fine excrescenses. The ventral side is convex to protruded with usually only one whorl visible, and the chambers on this side are somewhat inflated with sutures marked by line of depression sometimes curving and extending from the periphery to the broad umbilicus. Umbilical margin of the chambers is marked on each by an extended lip; apertures open from the chambers in the final whorl into the receding umbilical vestibule; shell very finely perforate. The width of the shell varies from .3 mm - .7 mm, but the size is usually intermediate. Variations noted in the structure of this shell lead to the belief that if this one type were given extensive study several varieties of the species might be determined to good advantages.

Editors' Notes
The holotype is lost but Esker (1968) designated a lectotype, from co-types in the Carsey collection in the Univ of Texas.


Carsey, D. O. (1926). Foraminifera of the Cretaceous of central Texas. University of Texas Bulletin. 2612: 1-56. gs

Esker, G. C. (1968b). Designation of a lectotype of Globotruncana rosetta (Carsey). Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 19(4): 170-171. gs

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Globigerina rosetta compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 9-9-2024

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