Catalog - Globigerinella aberranta Catalog - Globigerinella aberranta

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerinella aberranta Nyetskaya 1948

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> G -> Globigerinella -> Globigerinella aberranta
Other pages this level: G. aberranta, G. aissana, G. alexi, G. biforaminata, G. cushmani, G. duboisi, G. escheri clavata, G. evoluta, G. evoluta evoluta, G. gottisi, G. japonica, G. liverovskae, G. megaperta, G. messinae messinae, G. messinae subcarinata, G. naguewichiensis, G. praemicra, G. pseudovoluta, G. roeglina, G. subangulata, G. tururensis, G. ultramicra, G. voluta pinguis

Globigerinella aberranta

Citation: Globigerinella aberranta Nyetskaya 1948
taxonomic rank: Species

Current identification/main database link: Planohedbergella aspera (Ehrenberg, 1854)

Original Description

Test very small, planispiral, almost involute, with a deep umbilical pit in the middle which is almost always filled with matrix. Periphery lobate. The last whorl consists of five to seven chambers most often six. Chambers inflated, rounded, increasing uniformly in size; however, in some specimens, the final chamber sharply increases in comparison with the preceding one. Sutures depressed. Aperture with a narrow lip, in the middle of the base of the final chamber. In some specimens there are supplementary apertures which are situated on one or both sides of the base of the final chamber. In such specimens the median aperture is absent. Wall thin, densely covered with fine pores.

Editors' Notes
The names G. abberanta and G. aberranta were both used in the original description. Ellis and Messina (supplement for 1964 n° 1, file 51115) quoted both spellings and chose the spelling "aberranta", to  conform with the spelling of the Latin verb "aberrare" (to differ). To the best of our knowledge they were the first revisers (sensu ICZN art 24) of the taxon name and so their decision is binding.  (LeCoze via website comment 2017)


Nyetskaya, A. I. (1948). On certain foraminifera of the upper Senonian deposits of western Siberia. Trudy VNIGRI Mikrofauna USSR. n. s., 31: 220-. gs


Globigerinella aberranta compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 20-9-2024

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