Catalog - Globigerinoides inusitatus Catalog - Globigerinoides inusitatus

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerinoides inusitatus Jenkins 1966

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Globigerinoides inusitatus

Citation: Globigerinoides inusitatus Jenkins 1966
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: TF 1501: holotype and 2 paratypes.
Type age (chronostrat): Lower part of Waitakian Stage (Lower Miocene.)
Type locality: S127/390, F 6530, Trig. Z, Otiake (type Waitakian Stage). Collected by J. Marwick.
Type repository: Lower Hutt, New Zealand; New Zealand Geological Survey

Current identification:

Original Description

Test free, dextrally coiled, low trochospiral, equatorial periphery lobulate, axial periphery rounded. Wall calcareous, perforate, surface finely perforate. Chambers spherical in outline, 13 forming the test, arranged in about 3 whorls, with 5 in the first whorl, 4 in the second and final whorls, the final chamber slightly depressed; proloculus diameter 0.02 mm. Sutures on the spiral side radial to slightly curved, depressed; on the umbilical side radial, depressed. Umbilicus, small, open.Primary aperture a very low arch, interiomarginal, umbilical; supplementary aperture at the base of the final chamber on the spiral side, a high arch with a thick rim.

Maximum diameter 0.40 mm.

The specific name is taken from the Latin inusitatus meaning "unusual""."

Extra details from original publication
REMARKS: The finely pitted test surface and the low-arched primary aperture of Globigerinoides inusitatus n. sp. suggests a close affinity with Globigerina bulloides d'Orbigny.
A distinguishing feature of the rare G. inusitatus is the distinctive rim around the supplementary aperture on the spiral side. In some specimens (Nos. 75-77) the supplementary aperture is much lower-arched than the holotype (Nos. 72-74).
G. inusitatus occurs well below the first appearance of the Globigerinoides trilobus (Reuss) lineage and does not appear to be related in any way to it or to Globigerinoides altiaperturus Bolli and Globigerinoides primordius Blow and Banner.
G. inusitatus differs from Globigerinoides parva Hornibrook in having a larger and a lower-spired test; the latter species appears to be related to Globigerina brady; Wiesner (Hornibrook, 1961).

Editors' Notes
The article was published in the December 1965 issue of the journal but appeared in early 1966, so for taxonomy the correct date is 1966. Low trochospiral, consisting of about 3 whorls, ovate, compact to slightly lobate in outline, chambers globular; 3½-4 subspherical chambers in the last whorl, increasing rapidly in size. Sutures depressed, straight to slightly curved on both sides, umbilicus narrow. Primary aperture is an umbilical-extraumbilical elongated low arch tending to become a slit. Supplementary aperture is usually a high arch over the sutures separating the last and the penultimate chamber, it is bordered by a very thick rim. Wall is normal perforate, spinose, sacculifer-type. Maximum diameter of holotype 0.40 mm. Holotype deposited at the New Zealand Geological Survey, Lower Hutt, New Zealand (TF 1501).

Globigerinoides inusitatus was described from the lower Miocene, Landon Series, lower Waitakian Stage by Jenkins (1965). We have placed this morphospecies into Problematica for several reasons. Firstly, the original drawing shows a thick rim bordering the supplementary aperture that is supposed to be diagnostic; however, our new SEMs of the holotype (Pl. 20.4, Figs. 9-11) do not show a thick rim. Secondly, we have doubts as to whether the holotype and paratype are conspecific. Finally, we do not consider the SEM images in Jenkins and Srinivasan (1986) and Spezzaferri (1994) to be consistent with the holotype. Jenkins (1965) proposes a close relationship between this species and Globigerina bulloides. However, the difference in the wall texture of these species, cancellate and sacculifer-type wall in G. inusitatus, suggests a close relationship with the genus Globoturborotalita. [Berggren & Wade 2018]


Berggren, W. A. & Wade, B. S. (2018). Problematica. In, Wade, B. S., Olsson, R. K., Pearson, P. N., Huber, B. T. & Berggren, W. A. (eds) Atlas of Oligocene Planktonic Foraminifera. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication . 46(Chap 20): 511-524. gs

Jenkins, D. G. (1966b). Planktonic foraminiferal zones and new taxa from the Danian to lower Miocene of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 8 [1965](6): 1088-1126. gs


Globigerinoides inusitatus compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 16-2-2025

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