Catalog - Globigerinoita Catalog - Globigerinoita

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globigerinoita Brönnimann 1952

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Globigerinoita morugaensis Brönnimann 1952


Citation: Globigerinoita Brönnimann 1952
taxonomic rank: Genus
Type species: Globigerinoita morugaensis Brönnimann 1952
Type locality: Lengua formation, Basal Miocene, Moruga area, Trini-dad, B.W.1.

Current identification:

Original Description

Test  almost  spherical,  in  the  adult  composed  of a  three chambered  Globigerinoides  and  two  supplementary  chamberlike growths. Main  aperture,large,  arcuate,  umbilical,  at  the  intersection  of the  su-tures  of the  three lastformed chambers. Single, additional Globigerinoides aperture small, semicircular, approximately  opposite  the  main  aperture  between  the  two  last formed  chambers  and  the  closely  coiled initial  portion of  test. Supplementary "chambers"  or  chamberlike  growths  cover the main  aperture,  'and in grown up  individuals  also  the  Globigerinoides  aperture. The  umbilical  growth  forms  in the  last  ontogenetic stage  occasionally small  additional  "chamberlets,"  separated  from  the  main  growth by fairly  deep  incisions. Aperture  in  the  adult multiple, consisting  of  up  to  12  small,  rounded  openings  situated  at  the  sutural grooves. In  general, there are 3  openings  from  the  umbilical growth  and  2  to 3  from  the  growth  across the  Globigerinoides aperture. Where  additional  "chamberlets" are  issued  from  the  umbilical growth,  the  number of  openings  is  further  augmented  by  3  per  "chamberlet."

Extra details from original publication
Remarks.-Globigerinoita  is  monotypic,  and differs  from  all  other  genera  with  supplementary  chamberlike  growth by  its  distinct Globigerinoides  structure.  The test,  immediately  prior  to  the  formation of supplementary growths,  is in: In  addition,  also  the structure  of  the supplementary "chambers"  is different  in the  various genera. 
Globigerinita (1951,p.18)  and likewise  the  primitive Globigerinatella type described under  a) (1950, p. 81) have  only  one  single,  usually branching supplementary "chamber"  with  numerous minute semicircular  openings  not  restricted to  the sutural  grooves,  whereas  Globigerinoita  possesses in the well  developed  adult exactly  two chamberlike  growths. Occasionally, additional  "chamberlets"  are  formed, each  with  at the most  3 semicircular openings  situated  at  the sutural grooves.  The  Upper Eocene Globigerinatheka differs from Globigerinoita  by  a composite system  of supplementary chambers,  consisting of a  large  inflated growth  across  the  umbilicus  and  of  3 small  and  low  chamberlike  growths.


Brönnimann, P. (1952a). Globigerinoita and Globigerinatheka, new genera from the Tertiary of Trinidad, B.W.I. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. 3(1): 25-28. gs


Globigerinoita compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 12-1-2025

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