CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globorotalia (Globoconella) conomiozea terminalis Wei 1987
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Original Description Test low trochospiral, planoconvex, coiling dominantly sinistral; umbilical side strongly vaulted to form a prominent peak, high conical angle (64-70°). Periphery subovate, margin acute with distinctive to faint keel, four to four and one-half chambers in the final whorl. Aperture elongate, bordered by a lip, interio- marginal, extraumbilical; tightly coiled test causes umbilicus reduced or absent. Sutures on spiral side strongly curved, on umbilical side depressed, radial to slightly curved. Surface finely perforate, but early chambers covered with dense pustules, last chamber smooth. Size: 250-280 µm Etymology: This name refers to the terminal, extreme member of the keeled Globorotalia conomiozea at the end of the Miocene. Extra details from original publication Remarks: The most distinctive character of G. conomiozea terminalis is its extremely high conicalness. Increase of the conical angle and hence the degree of convexity makes it different from G. conomiozea conomiozea. It has been recognized that the increase of conicalness is one of the most distinctive evolutionary trends of Globoconella in the late Miocene (Kennett, 1966); G. conomiozea terminalis represents the extremity of this trend, culminating in an architectural threshold, leading to the loss of keel, and tending toward peripheral rounding as an inevitable consequence of continuously increasing "conicalness"" (Malmgren and Kennett, 1981). Globorotalia conomiozea mons Hornibrook (Hornibrook, 1981) morphologically resembles this subspecies. However, the reported stratigraphic range of G. conomiozea mons is in the Lower Pliocene (Hornibrook, 1981) which is higher than that of G. conomiozea terminalis (Fig. 12). The phylogenetic and taxonomic relationship between these two subspecies needs further examination."
Wei, K. -Y. (1987). Multivariate morphometric differentiation of chronospecies in the late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal lineage Globoconella. Marine Micropaleontology. 12: 183-202. gs
Globorotalia (Globoconella) conomiozea terminalis compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project teamviewed: 8-9-2024
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