Catalog - Globorotalia (Globorotalia) crassula viola Catalog - Globorotalia (Globorotalia) crassula viola

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globorotalia (Globorotalia) crassula viola Blow 1969

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Globorotalia (Globorotalia) crassula viola

Citation: Globorotalia (Globorotalia) crassula viola Blow 1969
Taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 397-8
Type specimens: pl5 figs 4-9; PM P 49695
Type sample (& lithostrat): Buff Bay beds. Ranges froM lower part of Zone N. 18 (upper Miocene) to Zone N.23 (Pleistocene).
Type age (chronostrat): Upper Miocene, upper Messinian or lower Pliocene, lower Zanclian Zone N. 18 the Globorotalia (G.) tumida tumida Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens paenedehiscens Partial-range zone
Type locality: Holotype (figs. 4-6) from an outcrop along the southwest side of the Coast Road east of Buff Bay (sample WHB.181 B '?ER. 146/41), approximately 290 feet southeast of the bridge crossing the railroad [jide Robinson, 1969, Geol. Soc. Jamaica, Jour. , vol. 10, pp. 5, 6, fig. I l , (Buff Bay beds of Cushman and Jarvis, 1930, Jour. Pal. , vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 353-368), Janvaica, West Indies; and figured paratype (fig. 7-9) from the Bowden Formation (sample ER.523) between Bowden and Pera Point, southeastern Jamaica, West Indies [fide Robinson, 1969, op. cit., p. 16, fig. 5] .
Type repository: London, UK; NHM

Linked specimens: London, UK; NHM (PM PF 49695) London, UK; NHM (PM P 49695)

Current identification/main database link: Globorotalia viola Blow, 1969

Original Description

Test large, coiled in a low trochospire with 12 chambers comprising the spire and with four chambers in the last whorl. The trochospire opens regularly and moderately slowly so that the chambers do not increase rapidly in size as added in the progression of the spire. The chambers in dorsal aspect are much longer tangentially (anterior-posterior) than radial broad. The dorsal intercameral and spiral sutures strongly limbate; dorsal intercameral sutures, raised, recurved and slightly retorse peripherally. Dorsal side flat with little or no inflation of the dorsal sides of the chambers. Peripheral margin, sharply acute with a strongly developed carina.Ventral side of the test, obtusely conical, vaulted but forming a low cone. Ventral surfaces of the chambers slightly inflated and the ventral intercameral sutures distinctly but not deeply incised. Umbilicus, rather small but deep with clearly defined ventral-umbilical shoulders to the chambers. Aperture, interiomarginal, umbilical-extraumbilical, a low arch bordered by a thin and delicate lip. Wall calcareous, radial hyaline, densely but finely perforate but without the pores opening into distinct pits. Wall pustulose over the area adjacent to the aperture the ventral surl'aces of the earlier chambers of the last whorl.

Maximum diameter of holotype 0.54 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Globorotalia (G.) crassulla viola differs from G. (G.) crassula crassula in possessing a stronger carinal development and in possessing strongly limbate dorsal sutures as compared to the weakly limbate later dorsal intercameral sutures of crassula (s.s.). The earlier dorsal intercameral sutures of crassula (s.s.) appear to be non-limbate and the later dorsal intercameral sutures are only weakly limbate. On the other hand viola shows strongly or moderately strongly developed limbation over all the visible dorsal intercameral sutures. G. (G) crassula crassula is more tightly coiled with somewhat more embracing and more closely appressed chambers, as seen in dorsal aspect, than is the case for G. (G.) crassula viola. Associated with this greater laxity of coiling G (G.) crassula picola possesses a greater degree of equatorial peripheral lobuiation.
G. (G.) crassula riolu differs from G. (G ) crassula conmniozea in possessing an obtusely conical test compared to the more acutely conical test of concuniozea. Thus, the ventral side is not so sharply conical or so distinctly vaulted in viola as in conomiozea. Further, G. (G.) crassula conomiozea is more tightly coiled with more closely appressed chambers, as seen in dorsal aspect, than in G. (G.) crassula viola. The dorsal intercameral sutures of conomiozea are only weakly limbate or even non-limbate at least in the earlier parts of the test.


Blow, W. H. (1969). Late middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy. In, Bronnimann, P. & Renz, H. H. (eds) Proceedings of the First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils, Geneva, 1967. E J Brill, Leiden 380-381. gs


Globorotalia (Globorotalia) crassula viola compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 14-1-2025

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