Catalog - Globorotalia praepseudomenardii Catalog - Globorotalia praepseudomenardii

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globorotalia praepseudomenardii Hofker 1961

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Globorotalia praepseudomenardii

Citation: Globorotalia praepseudomenardii Hofker 1961
taxonomic rank: species
Described on page(s) : 85
Type specimens: taf. 1a-d
Type sample (& lithostrat): glauconitic limestone, 2 meters above the top of horizon Md of the type Maastrichtian. Dominant.
Type age (chronostrat): Lower Paleocene
Type locality: Curfs Quarry, near Houthem, about 2 km. southeast of Meerssen, South Limburg, Netherlands.
Type repository: Haarlem; Geological survey collections

Current identification:

Original Description

Test much compressed, with acute margin, slightly elongate, with lobulate periphery. Dorsal side with all chambers visible, slightly convex, later chambers slightly inflate; 6-7 chambers in the last formed whorl, sutures slightly depressed, slightly curved. Wall smooth or slightly rough, totally pierced by fine but distinct pores, just as they are found in Globotruncana and Globorotalia. Margin acute to slightly keeled, without pores in the keel. At the slightly more convex ventral side, 7 chambers are visible. Chambers here more strongly inflate, with distinctly depressed radial sutures, leaving a distinct umbilical cavity free in the centre. Walls pierced by the same kind of pores as found on the dorsal side. Near to the umbilical cavity the chambers show highly developed tena with strongly roughened surface. At the last formed chamber the deuteroforaminal more marginal and sutural part of the aperture is crescent-shaped; more to the proximal part of the chamber the distinctly raised roughened tenon is found, whereas the proximal part of the foramen compositum (the protoforaminal part) opens into the wide umbilical cavity. All older chambers opening with this proximal part of the foramen compositum into the umbilical cavity.

Larger diameter of tests about 0.3 mm., thickness about 0.08 mm.

The name has been chosen for the resemblance to small specimens of G.

Extra details from original publication
This species thus shows characters which point strongly to Globorotalia of which the type-species, G. tumida Brady, shows similar pores, also a depressed keeled test, a much smaller but also open umbilical cavity, the foramen compositum with distinct tenon, etc. The only difference is the more open umbilicus and the tendency to form raised tena as they are found in many other early keeled Globorotalia, such as G. velascoensis and G. lehneri, where the umbilical cavity also is distinct.


Hofker, J. (1961). Foraminifera from the Cretaceous of South-Limburg, Netherlands. LIV. Some small rotaliids in the Lower Paleocene above the Md in the quarry Curfs, near Houthem, South-Limburg. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad, Maastricht. 50(7-8): 85-86+. gs


Globorotalia praepseudomenardii compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 12-11-2024

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