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Linked specimens: USNM-431513 USNM-188651 USNM-188652 USNM-638792 USNM-188653 USNM-638793
Current identification/main database link: Berggrenia pumilio (Parker, 1962)
Original Description
Extra details from original publication
Discussion: There is little variation within this species. At the type locality it is 98% left-coiling (100 specimens).
Distribution: G. pumilio is found throughout the South Pacific north of ca. Lat. 45° S.; it is most common north of Lat. 30° S. It has not been observed in plankton samples, probably due to the coarse mesh of the nets.
Parker, F. L. (1962). Planktonic foraminiferal species in Pacific sediments. Micropaleontology. 8(2): 219-254. gsReferences:
Globorotalia pumilio compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 19-9-2024
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