views1 Catalog - Globotruncana japonica Catalog - Globotruncana japonica

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana japonica Takayanagi 1960

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Globotruncana japonica

Citation: Globotruncana japonica Takayanagi 1960
Taxonomic rank: species
Type specimens: Pl. X, figs. 4a-c; IGPS coll cat. no. 74981
Type sample (& lithostrat): sample Ob-7. IGPS. loc no. Te-24; upper part of the upper Yezo Group,
Type age (chronostrat): Upper Cretaceous, uppermost Urakawan (= lower Campanian), ranges to lower Urakawan (=uppermost Coniacian or lowest Santonian)
Type locality: Holotype from section at river cliff of Akoano-sawa, about 2500 m upstream from junction of Obirashibe River and Akano-sawa, Obira-mura, Rumoi-gun, Teshio Province, Hokkaido, Japan.
Type repository: Tohoku, Japan; Institute of Geology & Paleontology, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Current identification/main database link: Rugotruncana subcircumnodifer (Gandolfi, 1955)

Original Description

Test low trochospiral, biconvex, periphery lobate, with distinct double fine keels which may be weak or absent, but frequently transforming into a faint narrow peripheral band in last one or two chambers; chambers 12 to 16, arranged in three whorls, early chambers small, inflated and globigerine-like, increasing rapidly in size, usually four and a half, moderately compressed in last whorl, last chamber variable in shape, ovate to compressed with subangular peripheral edge or a faint narrow band; sutures on dorsal side slightly curved, depressed, ventrally nearly radial, depressed; umbilicus shallow, wide; wall calcareous, perforate, surface slightly rugose, especially on ventral side; primary apertures interio-margmal, umbilical; tegilla with accessory apertures poorly preserved in examined specimens; most specimens coiled dextrally.

Maximum diameter of holotype 0.30 mm., minimum diameter 0.29 mm., maximum thickness 0.16 mm.

Extra details from original publication
Remarks:  This species resembles G. wilsoni Bolli from the Globotruncana concavata zone of the Naparima Hill formation of Trinidad, Santonian (1957, p. 58-59, pl. 14, figs. 4a-c), but differs in having distinct keels in the early chambers of the last whorl. It also differs from G. fornicata ackermanni Gandolfi from the Siphogenerinoides bramlettei zone of the Colon shale of Colombia, Maestrichtian (1955, p. 42-43, pl. 2, :figs. 5a-7c), in the keels in the last one or two chambers being weak or absent.
Occurrences of the samples studied: Occurs rather commonly in the Lower to Uppermost Urakawan of the areas studied, and very rarely in the lower part of the Lower Hetonaian of sample areas.


Takayanagi, Y. (1960). Cretaceous foraminifera from Hokkaido, Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University. 32(1): 1-154. gs


Globotruncana japonica compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 25-1-2025

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