Catalog - Globotruncana quadrata Catalog - Globotruncana quadrata

CATALOG OF ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS: Globotruncana quadrata Nakkady&Osman 1954

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Higher levels: pf_cat -> G -> Globotruncana -> Globotruncana quadrata
Other pages this level: << < G. nakkadyi, G. naqibi, G. navarroensis, G. neotricarinata, G. orientalis, G. pessagnoi, G. postrugosa, G. poststephensoni, G. pozaryskae, G. pseudoconica, G. pseudofornicata, G. pura, G. pustulifera, G. putahensis, G. qabeliatensis, G. quadrata, G. renzi, G. repanda, G. riojai, G. roddai, G. rosetta insignis, G. rosetta pettersi, G. rugosa, G. rugosa subrugosa, G. sahakianae, G. samuriensis, G. schneegansi, G. semsalensis, G. sharawnaensis, G. sigmoconcavata, G. smithi> >>

Globotruncana quadrata

Citation: Globotruncana quadrata Nakkady&Osman 1954
Taxonomic rank: species

Current identification/main database link: Globotruncana linneiana (d'Orbigny 1839)

Original Description

Test quadrate in shape, biconvex, dorsal and ventral sides more or less equally convex, periphery lobate, spinose, truncate with two marginal keels. Ventral consists of 4 chambers surrounding a wide deep umbilicus into which the aperture opens. Dorsal side shows two whorls. Sutures on ventral side are radial and depressed, on dorsal side they are curved and beaded.


Nakkady, S. E. & Osman, A. (1954). The genus Globotruncana in Egypt, taxonomy and stratigraphical value. . 79-95. gs


Globotruncana quadrata compiled by the pforams@mikrotax project team viewed: 11-2-2025

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Comments (3)


Pb of priority + G. mariei Banner & Blow, 1960 is a primary junior homonym of G. mariai (emend. mariei) Gandolfi, 1955

G. quadrata should have the priority


I will ask Brian Huber to look at that (but he is away now for a copule of months). Jeremy


Globotruncana quadrata moved from under mariei and now considered a junior synonym of Globotruncana linneiana